Excercise Routine


The iRacing Guru
Sep 29, 2009
So I've been looking for an Exercise routine that'll get rid of my stomach fat and also tone my body, I"m not looking to build muscle, just lose some weight and to have a toner body. However, when I look online, all I see are people trying to sell you a book or a subscription to their website.

Anyone got any suggestion?
On a treadmill,bike or eliptical.Warm up for a couple mins then on every even minute after go wide open for 30 secs.I do that for 20 mins 4 to 5 times a week.
I belong to bodybuilding.com Go to their super site and get a full body workout or individual ones.
try a low carb diet cut out pasta,rice,bread,sweats and salt.stomach fat will melt off. i work out on my treadmill for an hr. 3 times a week also. good luck.
If you want more energy try Nitric Oxide.That stuff is great.I got some N.O Explode at GNC last week.I like it.
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