F1: Hungarian Grand Prix


Team Owner
Feb 9, 2013
I like the layout of this track. Still will never forget the monsoon race they had several years ago.
This was before they would send out a pace car for heavy rain. They just had to survive it.

Last race before summer break.
Max would have hit who ever was next to him,
as fate would have it, it was his team mate.

Daniels interview after the crash , 100% class and spot on.
I just drank out of my shoe to show my appreciation for him (lol).
Di Resta is doing a fantastic job.

I wish he would have got the nod for the seat instead of Stroll.
LOL Ferrari gonna blow another race, letting Vettel's screwed-up car back Kimi up to the Mercedes.
Very interesting developments. My vote would be
Vettel wins at all costs and Kimi blocks the Mercs.

Edit - If Vettels car holds together.
Let Kimi go.

Cmon now, its not hard. Just let Kimi go on by and create some separation, otherwise Lewis is going to gobble them up in no time.
This is the kind of race commentating my ears can tolerate. Guys talking in a normal tone.
I feel a volcano rumbling. This is getting good.
Yep, tires are toast. That should be the podium. Might be a chilly one.
Fortunately for Ferrari Hungary is maybe the hardest place to pass at that isn't a street course.
Those Fins are tough. Not a word with Kimi and Bottas.
Some wild **** going on today. The highlight was the ass flash on the podium tho.
Wasn't Kevin complaining just yesterday about Hamilton being in the way all the time? I'm a Kmag fan, but he's not making it easy.

The Hulk, though, made his feelings very plain to Kev, and in front of the entire world, and did it without telling him to suck something. Hulk scores class points, Mags not so much.
Wasn't Kevin complaining just yesterday about Hamilton being in the way all the time? I'm a Kmag fan, but he's not making it easy.

The Hulk, though, made his feelings very plain to Kev, and in front of the entire world, and did it without telling him to suck something. Hulk scores class points, Mags not so much.

Hulk walked up to the guy mid interview and called him "the most unsporting driver out there" and then continues talking crap as he walked away. That isn't classy at all...and how the hell should KMag respond to that?

I think any variation of 'eat a dick/suck my nads' would be equally sufficient and comical. He, as you put it, "made his feelings known to the whole world" lol
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Hulk walked up to the guy mid interview and called him "the most unsporting driver out there" and then continues talking crap as he walked away.

Well, he did shake his hand, and he didn't ask for any sexual favors. Kev hasn't been making many friends lately so it was inevitable someone would call him out,

That isn't classy at all...and how the hell should KMag respond to that?

Talk to me after you get a podium?

Congratulation on being the most unsuccessful "next surefire superstar" in F1 history?

I think any variation of 'eat a dick/suck my nads' would be equally sufficient and comical.

Are we racing or making porno movies?

EDIT: That was a joke.

I think any variation of 'eat a dick/suck my nads' would be equally sufficient and comical.

Wait............ you think that's classy? I admit he put Kev in an awkward position, but that's not a good reason to throw your dignity away.
Well, he did shake his hand, and he didn't ask for any sexual favors. Kev hasn't been making many friends lately so it was inevitable someone would call him out,

Talk to me after you get a podium?

Congratulation on being the most unsuccessful "next surefire superstar" in F1 history?

Are we racing or making porno movies?

EDIT: That was a joke.

Wait............ you think that's classy? I admit he put Kev in an awkward position, but that's not a good reason to throw your dignity away.

Hulkenburg is the one who took out KMag in this situation. Sure there are more clever jabs he can take, that one gets the point across though. Most people understand that KMag doesn't literally want to tea bag Hulk. It's not that big of a deal. I never said anyone was classy. I just didn't understand why you call out one and not the other.
Hulkenburg is the one who took out KMag in this situation.

Is that why Mags got the penalty?

Sure there are more clever jabs he can take, that one gets the point across though.

Telling someone to suck it is nowhere even close to being clever. You resort to that kind of thing when you have no defense but have to say something anyway. He would have been far better off saying something like "This is coming from the guy who wrecked my teammate's race?" or even better "Congadulations. You only managed to take out half the Hass team this weekend."

The Hulk managed to get his point across without stooping to profanity, though admittedly things like this are much better handled in private where the guy doesn't feel like he is humiliated in front of the world.

It's not that big of a deal. I never said anyone was classy. I just didn't understand why you call out one and not the other.

If you can't see the difference between shaking a man's hand before you give him a little jab, and telling someone to "suck my....," I can't help you.

No, I don't think it's that big of a deal, but I don't believe we have seen anything quite like that before, at least not on a world wide television feed. We will see later in the week if the FIA thinks it's enough to warrant saying something to Kev. If they don't at least tell him to knock it off I will be disappointed.

Personally I would like to see the world's supposed best drivers behave a little more like gentlemen. Both were wrong but I can't find a way to excuse the way Kev handled himself.
Is that why Mags got the penalty?

Telling someone to suck it is nowhere even close to being clever. You resort to that kind of thing when you have no defense but have to say something anyway. He would have been far better off saying something like "This is coming from the guy who wrecked my teammate's race?" or even better "Congadulations. You only managed to take out half the Hass team this weekend."

The Hulk managed to get his point across without stooping to profanity, though admittedly things like this are much better handled in private where the guy doesn't feel like he is humiliated in front of the world.

If you can't see the difference between shaking a man's hand before you give him a little jab, and telling someone to "suck my....," I can't help you.

No, I don't think it's that big of a deal, but I don't believe we have seen anything quite like that before, at least not on a world wide television feed. We will see later in the week if the FIA thinks it's enough to warrant saying something to Kev. If they don't at least tell him to knock it off I will be disappointed.

Personally I would like to see the world's supposed best drivers behave a little more like gentlemen. Both were wrong but I can't find a way to excuse the way Kev handled himself.

Idk it looked like hulk came up into mag ar the beginning of the race but I could be wrong. I watched at 6 am lol

And I was agreeing with you, there are more clever retorts for sure.
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