F1 screws Hamilton again...


Dirt Track Fanatic
Nov 14, 2007
Poquoson, VA
Most recently in Italy, it was F1 penalizing Hamilton 25 seconds AFTER the race was over, and AFTER Hamilton rightly gave the position back after cutting the chicane. This penalty gave Massa 2 points to Hamilton's 1 in the championship. Subsequently, an appeal by McLaeren was thrown out by the FIA.

And today in Japan, they did it to him again. An incident in turn 11 resulted in Massa spinning out Hamilton, in what appeared to be 100% Massa's doing. So F1 decided to penalize Massa (rightly) with a pass-through penalty. But wait, they then say that Hamilton pushed Massa wide in turn 1 (someone pushes someone else wide in just about every F1 start. So, since a pass through penalty drops Massa back to the end of the points paying postions, the penalty to Hamlton drop him completely out of the points paying positions.

To make matters worse, they give Bordeaux a 25 second penalty AFTER the race for a no-fault incident involving Massa, thus increasing Massa's points intake to 2, with Hamilton scoring 0.

Bottom line; Either the FIA will do whatever it takes to keep a black man out of the champoinship, or they are on Ferarri's payroll. Either way, the FIA and F1 are as corrupt as can be, and make everyon's claims of Nascar favoritism look like child's play.
the FIA and F1 are as corrupt as can be, and make everyon's claims of Nascar favoritism look like child's play.

This is without a doubt 100% true. The corruption behind F1 races is astounding and has been going on for years! Unfortunately (or fourtunately for them?) there is such little press about these incidents in US papers that no one here really knows. :mad:
I continue to watch cause I prolly live in a dream world that tells me the "next race" will be all fair and square. At least i keep hoping.
Lewis is being schrewed over in favor of Ferrari and Ecklestone(sp) could give a sheeeeet if it ticks the spectators/fans off. :beerbang:
Keeps me coming back to see what they will do next to Lewis!!!!!

And no more F-1 in USA nor Canada now????? What's up with that????? Is Brazil next to go?????:director::sarcasm:
it's not meant to be would be one thing but in this case it's as if they don't want it to be. F-1 was supposed to be the place where any race, gender, or nationality could get a fair shake in the championship. i've been dissappointed in this series ever since I think about 2002 when they allowed Schumachers win to stand after Ferrari made Barricello pull over. that was complete bull. in the spirit of competition such things should not be allowed. Darrell Waltrip or perhaps Dale Earnhardt would have won at least one more race had NASCAR not allowed Rick Mast to push Harry Gant to victory at Talladega back in 1991, yeah i'm still pissed off about that just like i'm still pissed off at that damn tire that had to explode on the last lap at the 90 Daytona 500. at least NASCAR tries to right it's wrongs right away, F-1 just keeps doing more and more to piss fans off. losing the U.S. & Canadian grand prix(s) wasn't enough they gotta sham Lewis & McLaren out of the title two years in a row. maybe he (Hamilton) oughta just leave the series & come over here to race Indy Racing League. heck if damnit panties can win a race, anyone with a little driving talent & a quality ride should be able to get it done...
RPKing, I feel your pain. So far, Lewis hasn't had any points taken away, nor penalties made up after last weekends race. Will they really let his win stand????
Will 2008 truly be the first year that a man of "color" has been "allowed" to win the precious, coveted, F-1 Championship?????
Lewis would be more than welcome here in the states to join the INDY series and would be treated like the talented driver he is!!!! JMHO, of course. ;)

RPKing, I feel your pain. So far, Lewis hasn't had any points taken away, nor penalties made up after last weekends race. Will they really let his win stand????
Will 2008 truly be the first year that a man of "color" has been "allowed" to win the precious, coveted, F-1 Championship?????
Lewis would be more than welcome here in the states to join the INDY series and would be treated like the talented driver he is!!!! JMHO, of course. ;)

Brazil should be very interesting (especially being Massa's home). When will the penalty come? Some sort of qualifying penalty that'll drop him 10 grid positions? Or will they try and play the "forced someone wide" BS on the first corner like they did in Japan? Right now, the gap is 7 points, which means Lewis has to finish 5th or better. The FIA is probably behind closed doors right now, shaking in their boots that he'll actually win, and trying to figure out a way to stop it...
Ain't that the Gawd awful, sickening truth????? Far be it that F-1 guru's should allow a fair and square win and championship!!!
Your right, Brazil should be interesting to see what they do to Lewis.
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