Family watch dog


Team Owner
Oct 5, 2001

When you visit this site you can enter your address and a map will pop up with your house as a small icon of a house. There will be red, blue and green dots surrounding your entire neighborhood. When you click on these dots a picture of a criminal will a
ppear with his or her home address and the description of the crime he or she has committed.
The best thing is that you can show your children these pictures and see how close these people live to your home or school.
I checked my area. The scary thing is that every red box I clicked said that the person was guilty of a lewd act with a child. What the hell is wrong with these sickos???!!!
The last time I checked one of these maps, it was a map just for sex offenders. We have one on the next street over. I guess the one who used to live on the street on the other side of us moved since he didn't show up anymore. It's scary, but I have to say, our police are very good about coming door-to-door to warn every family before one moves in. The bad thing..........this neighborhood is FULL OF KIDS. Uggh. Sickos.
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