Fantasy Predictor Cup: Player's Council



@DanicaFreak, @Conner, @pudge, @Blaze88, @Get That 88 Up There !!, @ToyYoda, @Bob

Wanted to do this as a conversation, but an error kept occurring so I didn't have much of a choice but to make it into a thread instead.

I hope you have enjoyed the 2016 Fantasy NASCAR season so far! Thank you so much for your participation, your support for the league has been very much appreciated.

I am announcing to all Fantasy League competitors today that I am wanting to put together a "Player's Council" similar to how NASCAR has a Driver's Council. We have a lot of plans for the future and how to improve the league. We have several major rule changes that could be in effect in 2017 and I would like to run it by several players in the league to hear opinions and formulate these potential changes before we present them to the rest of the league and see if that's a change we should make or not.

I would really like to have a representative from our Racing-Forums players to be a part of this group of 4-6 people. You guys are very important to our Fantasy League and we want to include you all in every way possible. The Council will operate through an email thread. This will be informal, I will not be asking for us to email at specific times or anything, it will be at your convenience but I would need someone that can respond to an email at a reasonable time (a week or so).

If you are interested in being the representative for Racing-Forums in this Council, please email me at [email protected]. Let me know if you have any questions!

And thank you for such a wonderful first half of 2016, let's hope the 2nd half is even better!
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