It's one of the tougher decisions I've made, but this is my final post at r-f. I've been here 10 1/2 months, and it's been a great run. I've had a lot of fun talking racing and meeting new people. But all good things must come to an end, and for me, that time is now.
Let me stress that I have NOTHING against any of the other memebers. Nor was I pressured by anyone else into departing. I thought about this for a long time, with no outside aide, and have come to the conclusion that, in the long run, leaving is the best thing for me to do.
I expect some people to be upset with me. And I don't blame them. It's almost never fun to have someone leave. I wish I could explain it in a way that you'd understand, but I don't think I can. All I can do is offer a piece of advice. Thoreau once said, "Live the life you've imagined." I aim to do just that once I'm out of my youth, and all of you should do the same. Some my favorite times in life had nothing to do with material goods; it was all about personal satisfaction. You should always strive for happiness - as long as it isn't always at the expense of others.
There are many people here that I consider to be friends, and I hope to see some of you again, out in cyberspace. The name's the same almost everywhere I go - and I go to lots of places. So if you see me, feel free to say hello. I'm almost always willing to talk, whether about racing, music, even the weather. Don't be shy.
I've been through this amusment park. I've went on all the rides, and I'm satisfied with my time. And now I'm stepping out of the gate, and moving on in life. Everyone be careful out there, because you never know what's around the corner. Peace to all, and respect to those in harm's way.
Let me stress that I have NOTHING against any of the other memebers. Nor was I pressured by anyone else into departing. I thought about this for a long time, with no outside aide, and have come to the conclusion that, in the long run, leaving is the best thing for me to do.
I expect some people to be upset with me. And I don't blame them. It's almost never fun to have someone leave. I wish I could explain it in a way that you'd understand, but I don't think I can. All I can do is offer a piece of advice. Thoreau once said, "Live the life you've imagined." I aim to do just that once I'm out of my youth, and all of you should do the same. Some my favorite times in life had nothing to do with material goods; it was all about personal satisfaction. You should always strive for happiness - as long as it isn't always at the expense of others.
There are many people here that I consider to be friends, and I hope to see some of you again, out in cyberspace. The name's the same almost everywhere I go - and I go to lots of places. So if you see me, feel free to say hello. I'm almost always willing to talk, whether about racing, music, even the weather. Don't be shy.
I've been through this amusment park. I've went on all the rides, and I'm satisfied with my time. And now I'm stepping out of the gate, and moving on in life. Everyone be careful out there, because you never know what's around the corner. Peace to all, and respect to those in harm's way.