Fashion? I just don't get it.


Team Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Western PA
It's obvious to anyone that I've met from these boards that I have no sense of fashion but seriously, I know this isn't it.....


from here
Seriously, what is it with fashion designers? Where do people actually purchase and wear something like this too? I have never been to anywhere in my 50+ years on this earth that would have had anyone dressed like this. Halloween is about the only place that might come close.
It kinda looks like what Mickey Mouse would look like if you took a hit of LSD.

I have a very casual interest in fashion (as in, I used to watch Project Runway). They would design some crazy conceptual outfits on there sometimes as part of a challenge, and some of those outfits would actually come out looking good. That...thing pictured above is quite ridiculous, though.
Its like a dog anti-chewing cone hit a ceiling fan.
High fashion runway stuff is like car shows...where you see the concept. Rarely does the finished product that hits the shelves look like the runway stuff.
I'm not a fashion aficionado or even know what it takes to be one but I do know butt ugly when I see it and that my friends is butt ugly.
I dated a girl like that once...her name was tuie..pronounced like pit tew with an e.. did I ever tell you I use to drink?...a lot
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