Lap3Forever Moderator Staff member Joined Mar 8, 2002 Messages 11,460 Points 518 Location Murray, Kentucky Aug 14, 2002 #1 well i got to get ready to be FFA Chairman TSA Sargent At Arms long year i have. wish me luck i wont mess up and get impeached
well i got to get ready to be FFA Chairman TSA Sargent At Arms long year i have. wish me luck i wont mess up and get impeached
H HappyHour Guest Aug 14, 2002 #2 Well, it's been awhile for me, what do the initals stand for now? Good luck by the way, and that stuff will be great for your resume.
Well, it's been awhile for me, what do the initals stand for now? Good luck by the way, and that stuff will be great for your resume.
paul Team Owner Joined Sep 16, 2001 Messages 6,584 Points 408 Location Boston, MA Aug 14, 2002 #3 What is that ROTC or something?
Lap3Forever Moderator Staff member Joined Mar 8, 2002 Messages 11,460 Points 518 Location Murray, Kentucky Aug 14, 2002 #5 TSA is Tech Student Ass
Tabasco Team Owner Joined Sep 18, 2001 Messages 1,336 Points 348 Location Dixie Aug 14, 2002 #6 We didn't have either of those in school. We did have 4-H.
T TN-Ward-Fan Guest Aug 14, 2002 #7 I was in FFA all through high school. You can really learn a lot from that organization. I also did the parlimentary procedure thang with FFA....that was fun.
I was in FFA all through high school. You can really learn a lot from that organization. I also did the parlimentary procedure thang with FFA....that was fun.
Lap3Forever Moderator Staff member Joined Mar 8, 2002 Messages 11,460 Points 518 Location Murray, Kentucky Aug 15, 2002 #8 i was the TSA Historion last year and done jack**** so mabe i will do something this year
J judas1 Guest Aug 15, 2002 #9 dont forget to read john maxwell,s books. I recomend the 21 most powerful minutes in a leaders day along with the 21 irrefudable laws of leadership
dont forget to read john maxwell,s books. I recomend the 21 most powerful minutes in a leaders day along with the 21 irrefudable laws of leadership