Fight night at Langley Speedway


Dirt Track Fanatic
Nov 14, 2007
Poquoson, VA
Although I wasn't there, I was wondergin why I could hear the race track as late as midnight. Usualy, 10:30 or so the races are over. But here's the explanation...

Langley Speedway has suspended two drivers and four crew members for fighting on Saturday during the Super Street Division race. The wild scene, which ensued following a crash involving drivers Ryan Nester and Jeramie Wood, spread to the grandstand and spotters stand, where supporters of the two drivers also scuffled.,0,886869.story
Although I wasn't there, I was wondergin why I could hear the race track as late as midnight. Usualy, 10:30 or so the races are over. But here's the explanation...

Langley Speedway has suspended two drivers and four crew members for fighting on Saturday during the Super Street Division race. The wild scene, which ensued following a crash involving drivers Ryan Nester and Jeramie Wood, spread to the grandstand and spotters stand, where supporters of the two drivers also scuffled.,0,886869.story

Here's the video from the speedway videographer: It starts at 4:37 in when the blue #01 car wrecks the black #3 car.
Originally Posted by SST55
If by some perverted joke from the racing gods shrub gets it I'll throw a brick through my TV and never watch Na$car again.

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