final push



Hey everyone,
so I'm busy right now with my final push on renovating the hardwood floors in my house. The living room is the only salvagable room left and it is well on its way to completion.
I've sanded it thoroughly and gotten rid of the bulk of the dust, I'm now damp mopping to the the remainder of the dust before the final tack cloth run...which leaves me with staining tomorrow and sealing (urethaning) friday night or saturday.
After this, I no longer have to worry about doing work on the interior of my house...except for maybe rewiring the damn thing and getting a new front door.
I've been wondering how things were going. Thought maybe you got sucked in, and couldn't get loose! LOL

Sounds like the end is in sight. Just don't paint yourself into a corner. :D
Fortunately, I'm done painting...except for trim and the possibility of new baseboards...probably just painting the old ones though...of course, the staining process is the worst, sure, you get a little messed up doing it, but you can't seem to get your head straight for awhile. I've got this great finish that dried super quickly too. HOoray.
Make sure you post "NO SMOKING" signs Axel :D Want some virtual help?
never any smoking in this house...I can use all the virtual help I can get
one coat of stain on, one to go...three coats of urethane...
satin...and haven't started it yet...will start after this message...took forever for second stain application to dry.
2:40 in the morning, saturday...two coats of lacquer on the floor, one to go in the morning...have the house set back up by afternoon...I hope, I've been confined to my bedroom and the computer room since wednesday night, getting a little stir crazy.
all coats on, mostly dry, a little tacky...extremely ready to have my house back...lacquer headaches going away...floor looking good.
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