MIGHT be in the running for a job at best buy as a bay technician, so i splurged the money and finally got stuff to stick in my Dakota.
The stock radio when Parents bought it was physicaly broken but usable, but it jumped stations when i hit bumps, so i replaced it with another OEM unit that started doing the same thing. So I bought a Pioneer DEH-2100IB.
And my audiovox XM reciever died, so i got a new one of those as well.
And The stock speakers rattle if i add any bass at all, so I'm putting the visonik amp and jensen subwoofer i got from a friend and putting those in as well, in a "stealth" install (even though it'll be half-obvious).
I ran the 8 guage electrical for power and ground today, the reciever comes monday so no poit to install amp yet.
Amp is going to be mounted under the passenger seat.
Sub box goes behind the driver's seat, and fits tighter than a glove. The subwoofer faces down, so from outside, it's just a box, and it will blend into the black interior once i get it carpetted (till then, im going to spray paint it black).
Head unit has removable face and XM comes off it's pedestal, so it should be a fairly idiot-proof setup.
All that's left is getting the front windows tinted.
The stock radio when Parents bought it was physicaly broken but usable, but it jumped stations when i hit bumps, so i replaced it with another OEM unit that started doing the same thing. So I bought a Pioneer DEH-2100IB.
And my audiovox XM reciever died, so i got a new one of those as well.
And The stock speakers rattle if i add any bass at all, so I'm putting the visonik amp and jensen subwoofer i got from a friend and putting those in as well, in a "stealth" install (even though it'll be half-obvious).
I ran the 8 guage electrical for power and ground today, the reciever comes monday so no poit to install amp yet.
Amp is going to be mounted under the passenger seat.
Sub box goes behind the driver's seat, and fits tighter than a glove. The subwoofer faces down, so from outside, it's just a box, and it will blend into the black interior once i get it carpetted (till then, im going to spray paint it black).
Head unit has removable face and XM comes off it's pedestal, so it should be a fairly idiot-proof setup.
All that's left is getting the front windows tinted.