First lap...Robby spins

Betsy, you must have peed yer pants since it happened so soon.

Sorry to see Hamlin have problems, but as an old old fan, I just don't want to see a rookie win the title. Gotta pay them dues y'know. :)
Somehow, I knew this thread was gonna be here.
Wasn't Robby's fault.
It still amazes me that somebody pays Todd Bodine and Mike Bliss to get in a Cup car.
The 4 car got loose, lifted and caused Robby to get loose.
Poor Denny.

Maybe you're just jealous because he has the guts to drive anything and everything. :mad:

Wasn't that him that was spinning? How can reporting the happenings of a race be Bashing?
I did not say Just like always! That might have been bashing.. But not simply reporting his spin...doncha think?
Betsy, you take every chance you can to be the ROBBY reporter IF it's negative. Seems to me that you NEVER say much of anything posative anyway.
Pretty obvious there betty, the only time I see you report a wreck is when robby is in it
I'm in no way picking sides but......who exactly is being bashed here?
Wasn't that him that was spinning? How can reporting the happenings of a race be Bashing?
I did not say Just like always! That might have been bashing.. But not simply reporting his spin...doncha think?

IMO, "IF" you were just reporting what was happening, you would've said "Did you see Todd Bodine cut down across Robby's front end and spin him?" because, that IS what actually happened. However trying to make it sound like he spun for no apparent reason is bashing.
Funny though even after his fender damage he ran up around the top ten all evening until Marks senior moment wrecked JJ and him.
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