Fly Your Flag On 9/11/06


Secret Agent Man
Apr 6, 2005
Southern California.
On Monday, September 11th, 2006, an American flag should be displayed
outside every home, apartment, office, and store in the United States.
Every individual should make it their duty to display an American flag
on this fifth anniversary of our country's worst tragedy. We do this
in honor of those who lost their lives on 9/11, their families, friends
and loved ones who continue to endure the pain,
and those who today are fighting at home and abroad to preserve our cherished freedoms.

In the days, weeks and months following 9/11, our country was bathed in
American flags as citizens mourned the incredible losses and stood
shoulder-to-shoulder against terrorism. Sadly, those flags have all
but disappeared. Our patriotism pulled us through some tough times and
it shouldn't take another attack to galvanize us in solidarity. Our
American flag is the fabric of our country and together we can prevail
over terrorism of all kinds.
Sorry, foreigner again. I disagree with this, jsut like I do for those people who mob the house of a dead child, or rubber neck a car crash. Patriotism isn't something to be taken outta the closet and paraded about on special days, and then tucked back away for the next occasion. Either you're in, or you're not. People who pull the flags out special for this one day are the worst type of scum. They're herdbeasts. And IMHO, they're a big part of what's wrong in the world today.

sorry, but that's how I see it.
I'm with you Prof....

Bobby, this isn't meant as attack against you or anything of the such. But why should we have a special occasion to fly our flag? We should be proud of it 24/7/365....Not just on Flag Day, Memorial Day. Veteran's Day...everyday.

Before Sept. 11th, you didn't see that many flags flying on houses, cars, or store fronts. After the attacks, they were everywhere. People had flags on any and everything. It was "God bless America!", "United we stand," and all the other patriotic saying. Now we're back to bitching about God being mentioned in the Pledge of Allegiance, Starbucks isn't leaving enough room for cream, and Snakes on a Plane didn't live up to the hype.

This year on Sept 11th will mark five years after the attacks. Five years after some people died that a few of us might have known. Monday Night Football will have a big ceremony on TV, there will be other specials shown, people will sing songs and other commemorative event will occur. Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot, and Target will run out of flags, red, white and blue T-shirts and other patriotic items....

But I wonder how many other those flags will still be flying on Sept. 18th.
I'm with you Prof....

Bobby, this isn't meant as attack against you or anything of the such. But why should we have a special occasion to fly our flag? We should be proud of it 24/7/365....Not just on Flag Day, Memorial Day. Veteran's Day...everyday.

Before Sept. 11th, you didn't see that many flags flying on houses, cars, or store fronts. After the attacks, they were everywhere. People had flags on any and everything. It was "God bless America!", "United we stand," and all the other patriotic saying. Now we're back to bitching about God being mentioned in the Pledge of Allegiance, Starbucks isn't leaving enough room for cream, and Snakes on a Plane didn't live up to the hype.

This year on Sept 11th will mark five years after the attacks. Five years after some people died that a few of us might have known. Monday Night Football will have a big ceremony on TV, there will be other specials shown, people will sing songs and other commemorative event will occur. Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot, and Target will run out of flags, red, white and blue T-shirts and other patriotic items....

But I wonder how many other those flags will still be flying on Sept. 18th.

My flag is out 24/7 365.
Where's yers?
My flag is out 24/7 365.
Where's yers?

Hey, ferg, I'm not tring to bust anyone's chops either. My flag is displayed all of the time. I hope it reminds people of the things that matter most in life. I just figured it might jar some folks awake.

A lot of bumper stickers say "We will never forget" but clearly a lot of people already have.
A lot of bumper stickers say "We will never forget" but clearly a lot of people already have.

That's my point, buddy.:cheers: Didn't mean to make your post something different than what it was meant to be. Some things just irk me though....
Our Flag flies all the time, just got a new one in fact this spring, we do take it in sometimes in the winter during bad storms. When i was out in Colorado Springs, which is a very conservative city, all you saw was flags everwhere after 9/11. About a year later those flags started disapearing, then when i left in 2005 you hardly saw any or probably what i guess you would of seen before 9/11. It does amaze me how quickly people become opponents of patriotism, how quickly their opinions change. The fact is the result was the same, we were attacked on 9/11/01, our country is still in dange every day. It is amazing that people become complacent to the point where they feel very indifferent to their country. It takes one attack and everyone jumps on the bandwagon because it is " the cool thing do". That bothers me...Americans should feel it is the "cool thing to do" to fly the flag every day.:salute:
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