Flying the Friendly (Racer's) Skies this Thanksgiving Weekend.



Flying the Friendly (Racer's) Skies this Thanksgiving Weekend.

While I can't remember the very first Darkside racer I built (It was either Tiny Lund's Daytona 500 winner or Joe Weatherly's last championship winng '63 Mercury), unless it was the AMT Lorenzen '65 Galaxie. But that was a current ride when it came out so I don't count it.

But I do remember the first so-called "downsized" (I consider the Fairlanes the first) racer I built. It was one of the Southern Stocker kits that were done a lot like the real cars were. MPC hacked up a full sized chassis and skinned it with new sheetmetal and called it progress. At Daytona that year when they spun around and took off amont the most repeatable things they called'em was sailplanes.

But aerodynamic issues aside, some of them were pretty good looking race cars, like prettiest of them all, the new Wood Brothers Thunderbird. Since I had one of the MPC kits just sitting around so I thought I'd try my hand at replicating Ricky Rudd's new ride and, after finishing up the hand lettering at about three in the morning, here's what I got.

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