Interesting - to a point anyway.
I'm not sure about the title of the thread but I do have a few observations on the video.
1. I ALWAYS get into the car from the left side. Always. Well...DUH!
2. If I could eat eggs every day I would - and I do. Eggie-wegs?
(Clockwork Orange reference for all you young'uns)
3. Danica is a very pretty girl. Especially when her hair and make-up are professionally done.
Well, I caught just #3, a fact which may or may not explain the title for you.
Ahhh, I see. Your GF is jealous...
Now I get it!
Mr Clueless.
I take that as a compliment from you, Mr. GED!
OMG! Black people!
OMG! Black people!
Interesting - to a point anyway.
I'm not sure about the title of the thread but I do have a few observations on the video.
1. I ALWAYS get into the car from the left side. Always. Well...DUH!
I'm betting she was thinking Indy Car on that one.
I'm betting she was thinking Indy Car on that one.