I know the question was meant for Kat, but I do have cats and experience in the neediness that my cats seem to show.
Both our cats do similar things to what your cat does. The little one has gotten to the point if I am home by myself and have my door shut, he will slam his body up against the door while meowing.
My older cat who grew up with me is so attached to me, it is scary. She cries at night when I go to bed as if she has forgotten where my bedroom is and if I go away on a trip when I come back she is hoarse when she meows because all she did was meow when I was gone. She follows me everywhere, I can't escape her. She has this scratching thing in the computer room and refuses to go scratch if someone other than me is in the computer room.
Strangely, cats are more independent than we are lead to believe. I have friends whose cats do the same things mine do and yours does so it isn't just a unusual thing.
Just my two cents. I have had a few cats, longterm, and have many friends with cats so my information is pretty decent.