Found An Orphan


Secret Agent Man
Apr 6, 2005
Southern California.
I think he's about 10 weeks old. He was too cold (they can't regulate their own body heat at this age) and the ants were already on him. He was giving up.
According to a lady that lives nearby, he was laying near the sidewalk for a few hours. I got the ants off of him and stuck him in my shirt pocket to warm him up. He had a little bloody nose and had some difficulty breathing.
Had to finish work but got him home and got some puppy replacement milk into his belly. He's sleeping on a heating pad now. My sister wants him once he can eat on his own and regulate his own body heat.
This is my other little friend. I've been hand feeding her at the local park for a couple of years. I feed about 25 squirrels at this park almost every day. She's the only one that will let me pet her.
I hadn't seen her for a couple of weeks but I saw her today :)
She has babies, that's why she's been missing.
Nice. Pretty crazy that she'll come up to you like that.
I think squirrels are adorable.

Here at UTA we probably have 1500-3000 squirrels running around. We're a green campus with little concrete and lots of trees and vegitation. The squirrels love it. There's also wild cats on campus that an organization takes care off with food/water stations and houses to keep cool in.
Here at UTA we probably have 1500-3000 squirrels running around. We're a green campus with little concrete and lots of trees and vegitation. The squirrels love it. There's also wild cats on campus that an organization takes care off with food/water stations and houses to keep cool in.

Those cats should be well fed as something has to control the rodent population cause 3000 sounds like plenty.
I've spent the past week building him a new cage. Cost about $300 in supplies. He was way too big for his old cage. The new cage has wheels so I can wheel him outside at night (when he's up.) Initially, I had a ramp for him to get up to the second level but he had trouble with it and threw a fit, tearing off a nail on one of his front hands :(
Today, I made him a ladder to replace the ramp. We'll see how that goes tonight when he wakes up.
I've spent the past week building him a new cage. Cost about $300 in supplies. He was way too big for his old cage. The new cage has wheels so I can wheel him outside at night (when he's up.) Initially, I had a ramp for him to get up to the second level but he had trouble with it and threw a fit, tearing off a nail on one of his front hands :(
Today, I made him a ladder to replace the ramp. We'll see how that goes tonight when he wakes up.
I'm impressed. Woulda thought the ramp would be easier for it than the ladder but wadda I know. It sure grrew quick.....and those fangs!........and pretty crazy "Hands" it has.
I like that squirrel too.
Cool post.
how is handling the little guy now? Can you hold him like a normal dog or cat? My cousin had a pet prairie dog once. That thing was meaner than ****.
how is handling the little guy now? Can you hold him like a normal dog or cat? My cousin had a pet prairie dog once. That thing was meaner than ****.
He'd prolly bite anyone but me but he won't bite me. The night he had the fit about the ramp, I opened the door and he bolted out on me and ran up over the top of my head to get away from the new cage.
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