Wow, not taking anything away from what you are doing because they all look great, just didn't know you had to be a college graduate to be a florist.Originally posted by FOURISIS@Sep 4 2003, 09:10 AM
Yep Bowtie and I have to go to L.S.U. to take the state test for my liscence to open my on floral shop.Did u know that we r the only state that requires schooling to be a floral designer?In other states they can take anyone off the street to work in their shop.
Majestyx thanks for posting my pics.Does your offer still stand to post them on racebuds? If so,then I'm all for it. Thanks again.
Y'll enjoy and let me know which is your favorites.
Done.Originally posted by FOURISIS@Sep 4 2003, 09:10 AM
Majestyx thanks for posting my pics.Does your offer still stand to post them on racebuds?