TNT's Wide Open Coverage format for the July Daytona Fire Cracker Pepsi Coke Zero 400 was awesome in my opinion, I remember the first year they did it, if only there was way to make that work for every race, but I dont think its at all possible with the number of advertisers each network has for the race coverage.
After every race so far this year, I keep thinking how much more I wish it was FOX leaving and not ESPN/TNT, while both have there downfalls that many of us dont like, at least it the race coverage is done on the adult level, while FOX seems to be all about the Waltrips and full of gimmicks , and its just getting painful to watch, and on top of that, they gutted Race Day, I dont even bother watching RD anymore, nor do I watch the pre race either, I have been prosperously waiting tell like 30 min into the start time so I can just skip right over it and start watching as the cars roll of of pit road.
I swear all of FOX Sports has been dumb down ever since Speed was flipped, that is when it all started going down even faster