fuel cells



na$car has announced that fuel cells will be about 9 gallons smaller for dega.

Will that make a difference?

This is to spread out the cars to prevent the big one!

will it work?
I think there will still be a big one, but the rest of the race will be more boring then ever with all the cars spread out. We'll see.
Where is Highside Harry when ya need him?

I think the idea about grooving the tires to slow the cars might be the way to go. Less traction means slower corners. And so what the cars are gonna spread out. The kamakazi dives will continue.
Less traction would mean the cars would slide into the walls. They won't know how fast they can go until they try and take the turn at 180mph and can't turn. Although that would be amusing.
It's just silly. First they slow em down and then they bunch em up and now they try to spread em out. It's still gonna come back to areo push once ya get behind somebody in a turn so the loud moving billboard parade will continue untill somebody does the inside dive and then and only then will the tv guys have something worth reporting......sigh.....

And to think they actually use to have races at Dega.
Maybe I'm missing something........the regular fuel cells are 22 gallons....I'm guessing the pit window is 50-60 laps and everyone pits, unless there has been a caution. Now if you shrink the fuel cells to 13 gallons, and no cautions happen, won't everyone still pit the same time within a few laps of each other? I know that the teams will work on the fuel milage a little more, but still, won't the pit window be the same for everyone?
I have pondered like everyone else as to what might work to slow them down,I was thinking maybe add about 6 to 700 more lbs. to them.Then you would not have to change a thing.What is your all opinions on this?
Originally posted by pbunch
I have pondered like everyone else as to what might work to slow them down,I was thinking maybe add about 6 to 700 more lbs. to them.Then you would not have to change a thing.What is your all opinions on this?

That might actually speed them up........more weight (plus the downforce) would, I believe, make it possible to go into the corners faster. The smaller fuel cells would slow down the race average speed, but I still see the packs drafting along in single file. More pit action so pit strategy might get more interesting.:)
I believe the only answer to the plate tracks is to take out 5 to 7 degrees of banking. The drivers have to be made to lift there foot off the gas.
Of coarse na$car would never do that
Could be right Wrangler,I guess we will all have something new to observe at Dega anyways.Won't change the way the car runs,Just how long they can do it.I look for an even bigger big one as they call it,I hope I am wrong,But there are just to many new hot shots out there that have never had the bejesus scared out of them.
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