Fun way to get non-racing fans into the 500



I was fortunate enough to grow up in a great area for racing and unfortunate enough to go to a college in a big city. So of course, I've been trying to sell all of my college buddies on racing for the past decade. I know there has to be a few more of you out here so I wanted to share how it's worked the past five years.

We all (wives and girlfriends too) get together for Memorial Day weekend at a cabin (with a HD TV and projector). That means there's about 11 couples every year. When we started, I thought it'd be fun to do an Indy 500 pool but that was quickly shot down by one of them who responded "I'm only doing it if you have to do shots when your driver crashes and you get money for finishing like... I dunno, 21st"

So we got to work and here's what we came up with. 11 couples worked out perfect, everyone gets three drivers selected completely at random. Everybody throws in a sum of money. I'll say it's $10 per person/$20 per couple.

1st- $100
2nd- $50
3rd- $20
First DNF- $5
Last Car on Lead Lap- $5
Best Average Team Finish- $10
Worst Average Team Finish -$10
Least Drivers to Finish- $5
Beat by Pippa Mann- You give five dollars to the pot and overall winner.
Leader of Lap 69- $5
13th Place- $5
Dumbest Move of the Race (voted)- $5

It's simple and I'm sure it's being done all over the place. But the wives and girlfriends liked it enough that they request it every year. Oh and we have a jug of milk in the fridge for the overall winner. That gets hilarious too.
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