Funny Michael Waltrip quotes



The following are a few funny quotes from the "outtakes" section in the latest "espn the magazine".

DP is Dan Patrick from ESPN
MW is Michael Waltrip (obviously)

DP: You're 6'5". You could be what, a wide reciever?
MW: I'm frail. I figured out young that I had to find some occupation that I could do sitting on my butt, because this body's not going to take me to the promised land.
DP: Jeff Gordon, he'd be the kicker?
MW: Jeff Gordon's wiry but muscular. I went scuba diving with him once. He was impressive. I'd be afraid to fight him. He's got a tight body like a cat. Plus, it would be embarrassing to have someone a lot littler than me whup me.

DP: Is that your phone ringing? Not a manly ring.
MW: Definitely not mine. By the way, Dale Jr's phone barks. Well, now his phone plays "Cat Scratch Fever"
DP: Ah Ted Nugent. The Nuge, now that's manly.
MW: Just like Junior

DP: What's the story with this boxing ring I hear Junior's got? Does he invite other drivers to mix it up?
MW: No way. Junior's a lot like Elvis. He has a group who hangs around and lets him be the big man.
DP: So their job is to get their asses kicked by Junior?
MW: Yup. And he even plays them old Elvis movies to quietly reaffirm their roles as yes men.
Another funny quote from Michael:

"I really think we're going to win a non-plate race very soon."

Cracked me up when he said that.
If Michael Waltrip wins a non-rp race then I'm a paratrooper in the Chinese Women's Navy
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