funny thing about oil filters....


Admin & Resident Techie
Staff member
Oct 18, 2005
Ft Worth Tx

Piece of metal in the oil filter causes us to tear down the whole front of the motor to get the timing chain off...tearing a number of gaskets along the way.

Discovered it this morning, may or may not make the race tomorrow....

Dad's at oreilly's trying to hunt down new gaskets.

Edit- OR had the 1-piece race gasket. Guess that's what happens when you stick an OR in race country....they stock race parts?!
That piece never made it to the filter. It would have had to make it past the pick up screen and through the pump first. (Which would have locked up the pump).
That piece never made it to the filter. It would have had to make it past the pick up screen and through the pump first. (Which would have locked up the pump).

It came out of the system 1 filter. Reher & Morrison didn't understand it either. But their pumps are known to have wide gear clearances....but it's still bigger than the screen...

That said, another racer has 5 exhaust valves in one bank of his motor right now...4 in the head and 1 in the piston...they haven't figured that one out yet, either.
I've seen a lot of strange things happen to race engines but are you saying that piece was inside a new oil filter and it somehow ended up inside the motor??
If me I'd be tearing that motor down looking for other loose pieces and damaged parts. You guys run a Oberg?
I see from the added pics that is a dry sump system. The piece came from the motor, made it through the oil pump and wound up in the filter??? Wow.
and...we put the spare chain on, off a tooth >.< so it all gets to come back apart. No racing today (kills our points situation)

Funny thing is, timing light shows 45 of timing, but it revs clean. Normally it'd sound like a pissed off banshee?!
That huge chunk of metal made it all the way into the Oil Filter? Or did you find it in the oil scavenge pump inlet screen? I'm not sure how you drag guys plumb your oiling systems. All our dry sump engines have screens at the pan connection and a screen at the scavenge pump inlet their not fine micron screens but they would definately stop something that HUGE!
Glad you caught it before massive carnage ensued!
It's a wet sump. The lower pump is the fuel pump, the upper is vacuum.

We run a rebuildable system 1 filter with a Reher-Morrison scavenging High Volume oil pump, and the 3 bits of metal were in the middle of the oil filter. They somehow got thru the pickup screen and the pump gears.

Kicked the alternator belt the first pass, put it back on, and it came off on the second pass, and damaged the retainers on the fuel pump cog. So we band-aided it for the rest of the night.

Went into a bumper stand our last pass, had to shifted at 1.75 seconds and the front wheels set down at 1.85 sec....straddling the 330' cones alongside our opponent.

They say the alternator belt is worth a tenth....definitely was worth .030 on the reaction time and a couple hundredths on ET.
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