Future Terrorist????hahaha

mike honcho

Feb 9, 2009
A future terrorist was caught in the act – chewing his food into the shape of a gun.
The 7-year-old was suspended by his school in Maryland. An assistant principal said he pointed the gun-shaped pastry at a classmate and said, "Bang, bang!"
The second grader denied that, but was suspended for two days.
The school sent home a letter with other students to explain what happened and offer counseling.
Read more: http://foxbaltimore.com/news/featur...cher-says-he-shaped-pastry-into-gun-635.shtml

Read more: http://www.myfoxdfw.com/story/21523002/boy-suspended-for-gun-shaped-pop-tart#ixzz2MhISrKZP
Maryland huh, musta been at one of the schools andy's been preachin the anti gun gospel at. :p Overreactin sound familiar to anyone, hummm.
How about the kid in Florida that was suspended for 3 days for wrestling a LOADED GUN away from another student that was pointing it at another student and saying he was going to shoot him. Really??? They suspend you now for freaking saving lives???
Sounds like the teachers that gave me hell and always overreacted over small things when I was in middle school moved away to Maryland.
How about the kid in Florida that was suspended for 3 days for wrestling a LOADED GUN away from another student that was pointing it at another student and saying he was going to shoot him. Really??? They suspend you now for freaking saving lives???

I didn't hear that one. And people wonder why there are so many lawsuits.
This is what happens when zero tolerance is used without applying common sense.
This is what happens when zero tolerance is used without applying common sense.
It's also what happens when common sense becomes very uncommon.

This story does remind me however of when I got suspended in the first or second grade because I took a really small pocket knife to school with me. I didn't intend to use it to injure, or even scare, anyone. I did it because my dad was an old hillbilly who always had a pocket knife with him and so did every other male in my family.

It was kinda funny because by the time I got to high school, the school I went to was so rough that they checked you at the door and if you didn't have a knife or a gun they gave you one.
It's also what happens when common sense becomes very uncommon.

This story does remind me however of when I got suspended in the first or second grade because I took a really small pocket knife to school with me. I didn't intend to use it to injure, or even scare, anyone. I did it because my dad was an old hillbilly who always had a pocket knife with him and so did every other male in my family.

It was kinda funny because by the time I got to high school, the school I went to was so rough that they checked you at the door and if you didn't have a knife or a gun they gave you one.
Sounds like a local dragstrip. I won't say the name, only that Mike Honcho lives near it.

On that note,

Roger N Richards
ADRL drag racing was almost banned when Homeland Security saw some of the tire rubber along side the track resembled a gun
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