GAS, Here we go again

DOWN to $1.55 from $1.62 when I filled up last Thursday. 28 gallons, could have saved almost 2 bucks.:sarcasm:

Because we have all done, or most of us have, our best to cut back on driving due to the high price of gas the revenue from the gas tax is not keeping up with repairs/maintenance and inflation. Last time it was raised was in 1994.

Now because the price of gas is now "low" our idiots in Washington want to raise the gas tax 10¢. But only temporarily,,,

Can anyone show me where the govt ever reduced a "temporary" tax??
A trip north to New Jersey and we found gas at $1.36.9 and although I do not recall exactly where, but we did travel from our primary location near Belvidere, NJ and can only speculate it was on our travels through either Newton or Hackettstown, NJ, where we saw one station at $1.31.9.

Now we are back in North Carolina and gas is at $1.62.9 but bounces around with a margin of fifteen cents one way and the other which, equals to thirty cents per gallon differential on a good day.
They said on the news last night that the price increase is due to an increased demand for heating oil due to the unusually cold winter we have had already. They say the same places that make heating oil make the gasoline. So when they make more heating oil, they make less gasoline. Therefore they can gouge us more for the gasoline they do make.
Glad to see someone else gat socked as bas as we did:D
There was a 14% spike in oil prices in the last 2 days. The latest excuse is the battle for Gaza (the 7x14 mile strip of land under Israel that has no oil:rolleyes:).
Opac says they are cutting back due to the lowering of price per barrel. they just cannot line their pockets fast enough at these prices. So, by cutting back on the oil production, they will drive prices back up and we will pay through t he nose again!!!
I just hope the people have the fortitude to conserve and make the damn Arabs eat their own gas!!!!!
In the last week our station on the corner went from $1.57 to today at 1.69.
We need to start drilling more in the us NOW.
Obama said he wants to add a higher gas there where our change is going to go.
Dubya is still in office and friendly with the saudis. Didn't he once say his personal friendship and influence would lead to lower prices? Come on Dubya, do something for the suckers that voted for you.

As for drilling more in the US now. The big oil companies have lots of land leases for drilling but they're not doing it. Maybe more oil available would drive down profits...err prices.
Dubya is still in office and friendly with the saudis. Didn't he once say his personal friendship and influence would lead to lower prices? Come on Dubya, do something for the suckers that voted for you.

As for drilling more in the US now. The big oil companies have lots of land leases for drilling but they're not doing it. Maybe more oil available would drive down profits...err prices.
around here, drilling has all but stopped until profits and need rise back up. Once opec cuts supply and gas goes back to 2.25, they'll be more drilling again. Until them, the roughnecks are another XX% of the unemployed...
Dubya is still in office and friendly with the saudis. Didn't he once say his personal friendship and influence would lead to lower prices? Come on Dubya, do something for the suckers that voted for you.

As for drilling more in the US now. The big oil companies have lots of land leases for drilling but they're not doing it. Maybe more oil available would drive down profits...err prices.
Maybe I'm reading your wrong here, but jeez, you act as though the price of a gallon of gas is what it was three months ago. Maybe it's not where you live, but it's more than halved where I live. I guess once you see the price of something, if it goes up or down, there is room for debate. The wife filled up her car yesterday for fifteen bucks and I did the same a few days earlier.
Maybe I'm reading your wrong here, but jeez, you act as though the price of a gallon of gas is what it was three months ago. Maybe it's not where you live, but it's more than halved where I live. I guess once you see the price of something, if it goes up or down, there is room for debate. The wife filled up her car yesterday for fifteen bucks and I did the same a few days earlier.

When a bbl of oil in in the $50 range and gas is 1.89 it's gonna lead to diaster faster than it did last year. You can't just look at today, you have to look at tomorrow also.
Maybe I'm reading your wrong here, but jeez, you act as though the price of a gallon of gas is what it was three months ago. Maybe it's not where you live, but it's more than halved where I live. I guess once you see the price of something, if it goes up or down, there is room for debate. The wife filled up her car yesterday for fifteen bucks and I did the same a few days earlier.
Buckaroo, everyone from OPEC to the oil companies have made their intentions clear as day. They want more money and are going to do whatever it takes, despite a global recession, to get it.
around here, drilling has all but stopped until profits and need rise back up. Once opec cuts supply and gas goes back to 2.25, they'll be more drilling again. Until them, the roughnecks are another XX% of the unemployed...

See, more people effing the country:(
Gawd, you people make me sick. Go ahead and cry the sky is falling. Sell your homes and move to Canada, they'll gladly take you in. Or do you think the world in total is doomed? Gimme a break. I'll take the price of gas as it is today and worry about tomorrow when it comes. You guys can worry enough for the rest of the world. :rolleyes:
Hmmm, keeps going down here in Winston Salem. One station has it at $1.39 and several others at $1.45. The wife and I filled up our cars at $1.49. Maybe y'all just live in a bad part of the country, or maybe I live in the best part. I'll take it. Thanks
Gawd, you people make me sick. Go ahead and cry the sky is falling. Sell your homes and move to Canada, they'll gladly take you in. Or do you think the world in total is doomed? Gimme a break. I'll take the price of gas as it is today and worry about tomorrow when it comes. You guys can worry enough for the rest of the world. :rolleyes:

Thats the problem with the world...people want to wait until it's too late:rolleyes:
Thats the problem with the world...people want to wait until it's too late:rolleyes:

Oil's trading at $50/barrell now. Why?

Because of the violence in Gaza where there is no oil. :rolleyes:

We're back to oil trading prices skyrocketing because of worries over a geopolitical conflict instead of supply and demand. They're screwing us again. And neoconservatives stand by and take it until it's too late, then they try to blame it on people who were sounding the bells.
Thats the problem with the world...people want to wait until it's too late:rolleyes:

Yeah, well one thing is for sure, this forum didn't have all these whine and whine times until a certain little kid from Maryland joined and whined at everything from the price of potatoes to coverage of anything by ESPN. You guys can continue to whine about the price of gas to anything else. I'll just sit back and enjoy life what little I have left...not that I'm going away any time soon. I'm just sick and tired of all the baby crying about everything.

BTW, the weather here is terrible but even though I work out in it, I'm tickled to death that I can get out of bed and go to work. Horrah for life and what it brings. I'm an optimist so I'll pass on the whine.
Another Spike In Gas, Oil Prices On Tap?

Analysts said the same cheap oil that's providing relief to drivers and businesses now is setting the stage for another price spike, perhaps as soon as next year.

It could bring back painful memories of last summer's $4-a-gallon gas.

The oil industry is scaling back on exploration and production because some projects don't make economic sense when energy prices are low. And crude oil is already harder to find because more nations that own oil companies are blocking outside access to their oil fields.

Analysts said that when the world emerges from the recession and starts to burn more fuel again, the combination of higher demand and lower supply suggests that prices will almost certainly shoot higher.

Some analysts said oil could eventually eclipse $150 a barrel and possibly hit $200. In such a scenario, gasoline would easily cost more than the record high of $4.11 a gallon set last summer. Oil has been trading at about $50 a barrel.
As the price of gasoline per gallon soared into the $4 and $5 range last summer, Americans tightened their belts. They drove less, purchased more fuel-efficient cars and took advantage of public transit systems. We were told in order to get the price of gas to drop, we had to decease demand.

The result was the cost of oil dropping to levels not seen in eight years.

Then, last week, it was announced that because motorists were purchasing less gasoline, the federal government was receiving less revenue from fuel taxes, which help fund the cost of roads, bridges and other transportation avenues. In order to make up for the shortfall, the National Commission on Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing told Congress that there should be an increase on the 18.4 cents a gallon federal tax on gasoline and 24.4 cents a gallon tax on diesel.

The commission also recommended that states raise their fuel taxes and make greater use of toll roads and fees for rush-hour driving. The tax — estimated to be as much as 40 cents a gallon — would be phased in over five years.

As bad as we think taxes are, they are undoubtedly a necessity in this country. The government can't provide the services we rely on without them.

But once we reach the summer months and the driving season is upon us, the fear that $4 and $5 per gallon gas will become $5 gas — and worse — will likely result in Americans driving even less, then the tax revenue will go down (again), which means taxes will have to be raised (again).

It's a destructive path that will virtually assure this country will stay in a recession.

I have no doubt Maryland will pass a 40 cent tax increase on gas. Governor Owe'Malley's raised taxes on everything else. :rolleyes:

It's nice that the government says we're in a recession... tells Congress it's doom and gloom if they don't give MY ****ing money to big fat greedy companies and now they want to steal more of MY money (aknowledging there's a recession) for taxes. :mad:

Government's the reason gas rose to $4/gallon in the first place (Operation: IRAQI FREEDOM).
andy you would cry if you were hung with a new rope.

yeah i would love fuel to be $1.00 a gallon but remember last summer when we were paying $4.00+ a gallon

life is short try to enjoy it a bit
Don't look for oil to spike over $100/barrel anytime soon, as long as the economy is tanking , the fule demand will be lower. Gas did go up here about 25 cents, but i'll take gas at 1.79 and diesel at 2.63 anyday. I actually started driving my truck
Don't look for oil to spike over $100/barrel anytime soon, as long as the economy is tanking , the fule demand will be lower. Gas did go up her about 25 cents, but i'll take gas at 1.79 and diesel at 2.63 anyday. I actually started driving my truck

If they keep cutting production it WILL go up. They already cut 2million barrels per day.
If they keep cutting production it WILL go up. They already cut 2million barrels per day.
The good news is Venezuela and a few other 3rd world oil nations are increasing production.

Venezuela is interested in talking to Mr. Obama about trading with US again. These other nations are hurting worse than the OPEC nations so they're hoping to get our business.
If they keep cutting production it WILL go up. They already cut 2million barrels per day.

Maybe go up but not to the $4 range that is for sure. I'm thinking this summer that the 2.30 range might be some where that it will settle. I could be wrong, but according to all the so called "experts" on economics this recession is supposed to last world wide well into 2010. As long as i still have a job and gas is cheaper, it's all good.:)
OPEC could well be cutting their own throats this time if they try to drive oil prices too high. If (and that's a big if) Obama is successful creating more alternative energy sources then oil prices soaring again can only hurt them. I don't expect to buy another car soon but when I do it will NOT be a gas guzzler.
OPEC could well be cutting their own throats this time if they try to drive oil prices too high. If (and that's a big if) Obama is successful creating more alternative energy sources then oil prices soaring again can only hurt them. I don't expect to buy another car soon but when I do it will NOT be a gas guzzler.

I hear that, I still don't understand why american auto makers don't come out with an affordable , decently equiped, and reasonably powerful car that gets 40 mpg?? The technology is there, hell back in the late 80s Subaru made a small car called the Justy which they have since stopped exporting to the US. Anyway the fuel injected later versions of this car came with a 5 speed and you could get 4 wheel drive if you wanted, shift on the fly too. I had three of these cars in the last 15 years, my 1988 4 wheel drive Justy got 36 around town and about 41-43 on the highway depending on how fast i drove it. Loved those cars, they are very hard to find now, especially with low mileage. My point though , getting back to it is, American auto makers would make a killing i think if they offered a similar type car to the Justy. Although small you could pack a lot of stuff in it. A slightly bigger car would be perfect this present day, there is no reason why US auto makers can't make a car that gets at least 35 around town and over 40 mpg on the highway. Just my opinion of course. If anyone knows of a decent Subaru Justy, preferably the 4 wheel drive version any where near Ma. drop me a Would love to pick up another one.
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