Gas Prices...



Its only 1.99, freak, it cost me 38 bucks to fill up my truck. Jeesh! And I'm just made of money too. :rolleyes: Sorry, this has just really ticked me off. :angry:
Gonna get worse before it gets better too. $1.59 most places around here now, up from $1.38 or so about 3 months ago.
Well my mom said she heard on the news it would go up to 3 bucks! :angry:
I filled up today for $1.72. Bummer :( :(

66, where do you live, I don't want to move to your area if the prices are that high. :( :(
It's still around $1.55 to $1.58 for regular unleaded here. Saying that it could reach as high as $2.00/gal before too long, though. I sure hope not! That will definitely curtail my driving habits! <_<
Originally posted by nascarwoman@Feb 28 2003, 02:10 PM
I filled up today for $1.72. Bummer :( :(

66, where do you live, I don't want to move to your area if the prices are that high. :( :(
What ever you do, don't move to southern California (where I live). Gas prices just went up again!
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