Just so you know pot is a stepping stone to hard drugs. If you look up information you will see that almost 100% of hard drug users started with pot.
Okay, I'll bite. If pot were legal and I didn't have to go to a "drug dealer" to buy it would I be around "hard drugs" as often and have the chance to buy/try them? No, I would not.
Also, if we didn't lie to our children by telling them that pot will fry their brains and kill them would they be more inclined to try hard drugs? Because you know, when someone tries pot for the first time and finds out that most of what they were told in the DARE program about it is a bold face lie they're going to think they were lied to about other drugs too.
Also, I know plenty of people that have never smoked pot in their life but ended up addicted to hard drugs like heroin because their doctor pumped them full of pain medication for years just to profit off the monthly doctor visits.
In my opinion an illness is heart problems ms or a thousand other things,no one forced them to smoke that first joint, no one forced them to stick a needle in themselves to say that drugs is an illness is like saying police cause people to cause crime.
So you have first hand experience begin a drug user and got clean? Otherwise I don't think you're qualified to know if it's an illness or not. Or maybe you're a doctor that studies addiction? If not, you have no idea what you're talking about.
BTW I don't know what the police are like where you're from but I could count cite countless examples of them not only begin involved in crimes but also causing them. Most of them just love to pin something on you too for no reason. You ever had drugs planted in you car? I have, and it took a lot of money and a good lawyer to prove it because those "good old boy" cops are all about covering for each other. I don't hate the police or anything but they've given me plenty of reasons to. My local police force is one of the most corrupt in the state and even offer protection to the local big wig drug dealers.
Drugs in any form are dangerous and if you say that pot is ok now in 10 years will you say Meth is ok too? Think about what you are saying.and before you say I don't I don't understand I have the facts correct I do.I was on the job for 20 yrs I saw what it can do, also had a family member that was a junkie. I know what it can do to people and family's.
I'm sorry about your family member but if you've seen what it did to him you should know that it is indeed a medical condition once you reach that point in addiction. I hope he got clean....a lot of my friends did, a lot of them didn't and they paid the ultimate price.
But you should think about what you say as well. Of course meth abuse is horrible, but analogs of it are used in the treatment of ADHD (Adderall for example) and the drug allows those people to lead productive lives and support their families. Without it they simply can't function in society.
Your facts are skewed sir and I encourage you to go do some research for your own good. If you seriously think legalization of pot is going to lead to people wanting to legalize meth at any point in the future your so called facts are way off.
By the way the biggest problem about the whole drug war situation is you have a large portion of the prison population consisting of people that committed no other crime but having a bag of weed in their pocket at the wrong time or making a couple of mistakes in their lives and getting caught. We're locking up small time pot dealers longer than we're locking up rapist, can you honestly tell me there isn't anything wrong with that? What do you think happens to a 20 year old that dealt a little pot when you throw him in prison for years with hardened criminals?
Do you think he comes out rehabilitated or a hardened criminal with all the skills he learned from the guys in there for B&Es, big time drug dealing, and any number of real crimes? That's the real issue here, and it makes me sick considering a private prison gets paid $400-$600 a month just to keep a human locked in a cage.
The drug war is not working and it will never work. The only reason why it's kept around is because a lot of people are getting rich off of it.
I hope there are no hard feelings, this probably comes off harsher than I meant it to. I'm just tired of hearing people make statements like you have.