George Jones


Team Owner
Oct 5, 2001
Any Country Music fans on except for Kelloggs? I know she is. :D

I went to Pigeon Forge and saw George Jones tonight. Good Show.
Georgette was with him. Sang a couple of songs before George come out and then sang Golden Rings with George. She sounds just like her Mom.
so thats....what u mean with the George Jones comment on chat ....... now i c..said the blind man

the guy has been thru alot and lived to tell about it.... u name it , he has been in it....Alan Jacksons mentor... George come a long way from his first job of painting houses ~
so thats....what u mean with the George Jones comment on chat ....... now i c..said the blind man

the guy has been thru alot and lived to tell about it.... u name it , he has been in it....Alan Jacksons mentor... George come a long way from his first job of painting houses ~

tkj24 is all about country music. I have always loved metal. I don't know how we have stayed friends. LOL Along time ago I was cohersted (sp?) into going to see a very drunken George Jones. My feet froze to death and George could barely stand up. I had no ear plugs for that mess. :D
tkj24 is all about country music. I have always loved metal. I don't know how we have stayed friends. LOL Along time ago I was cohersted (sp?) into going to see a very drunken George Jones. My feet froze to death and George could barely stand up. I had no ear plugs for that mess. :D

LOL thats his other nickname when it was real bad...

George said when he had the car wreck a few years back he quit drinking and smoking at the same time.

Georgette sounds just like Tammy
tkj24 is all about country music. I have always loved metal. I don't know how we have stayed friends. LOL Along time ago I was cohersted (sp?) into going to see a very drunken George Jones. My feet froze to death and George could barely stand up. I had no ear plugs for that mess. :D
I have told the story here a number of times I believe and you are probably tired of hearing it..........In my much younger days and also George's much younger days, early in his career. He and I got what you might call "drunk" together in Beaumont. Our secretary's husband was a disc jockey and one evening in a bar he was with George and invited me over to the table.
I have told the story here a number of times I believe and you are probably tired of hearing it..........In my much younger days and also George's much younger days, early in his career. He and I got what you might call "drunk" together in Beaumont. Our secretary's husband was a disc jockey and one evening in a bar he was with George and invited me over to the table.

Did you fall down like George?? ;) :D

You would love for me to embarass myself, wouldn't you. :)

Here is you a reason not to tell her. LOL

My dad and mom went and seen George along time ago in Paducah, KY. He was drunk and thought he was in Evansville, IN.
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