Local news just said this is the coldest winter we've had in more than 10 years.
20°-30° lows and 40-60° highs are the norm. They stated that, despite warm weather, we've spent most of our winter in the 30° range and that we've had more below-freezing days this year than we have in some time.
Just as I feared, the news also said it's going to be a colder than average spring. Just like a year ago, we'll probably see below freezing temperatures be the norm until mid-May.
I would like to see some action on this. Bush needs to use his weather machine to make it warmer here.
Where the hell is global warming at?
20°-30° lows and 40-60° highs are the norm. They stated that, despite warm weather, we've spent most of our winter in the 30° range and that we've had more below-freezing days this year than we have in some time.
Just as I feared, the news also said it's going to be a colder than average spring. Just like a year ago, we'll probably see below freezing temperatures be the norm until mid-May.
I would like to see some action on this. Bush needs to use his weather machine to make it warmer here.
Where the hell is global warming at?