Good Afternoon

And a good afternoon to you too, pbunch. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!:)
Afternoon all, glad this Monday work day is almost done!

Yes indeede Happyhour,Iam sliding down the Dinosaur neck now.Ya!Ba!Dabba Dooooooooooooo.:D
Oh Lord, someone left the liquor cabinet open and punch got to it. Katie bar the door! :D Say, while yer at it, do you have a good beer? :)
I get to go treasure hunting tomorrow at all my fav. spots! today was a good day at work, and NO housework at home! Love that:D
pbunch, where ya been? miss ya! Don't forget all work and no play makes for problems with Mrs pb, unless????
hey pbunch!!!!!!!!!!! i was lucky, do not have to go back to work until tuesday......... it was a reletavely quit first monday back after the holidays here in good ole Jacksonville, Fl.
I love to hear from all of you,New,and old.I am just making hay while the sun shines.I should be around a little more now.If that's good.:D
i know..........i love the NFL also, but that definately does carry as much excitement for me as does the NASCAR season!!!!!!!!!! GO 5 CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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