Good morning, glories ! !


Plank Owner
Sep 18, 2001
Deep in the heart of Texas
Just finished mowing the front yard. A cold shower, some cold water, and I'm ready for just about anything. LOL

It's already Hot, Humid and Hazy here. Think I'll stay inside for the rest of the day.
The yard beckons for a trim, but can't get out there for a while. With the high reaching for 96 today and a heat index over 100, it just might beckon til near dark.:)
TRL, just what do you think you're doing, lounging around the house???? You need to be out there overturning more beer trucks. And gimme a few hours notice next time....sheesh.:beerchug:
Good Mornin TRL,Hows that new weed wacker doing?Just leave that thing out tonight,And I'll give ,er a try,And check ,er out for you. :p
We're havin' a heat wave too. May reach 80 today.

OK, get up off he floor. 80 is hot when you're used to the 60's.
Ward Fan, it's waaaaay to hot now to be turning over beer trucks. I'll try again early tomorrow morning. hehehe

Alaska, the first time I was in Fairbanks, I got off the plane and thought I was in Houston, it was so hot. Of course, the next day it cooled down. :)

I walked over the a little shopping center close to the hotel, across the street from the high school. The time/temp sign had 80 on it. That winter, the national news had that very same sign on TV --- the temp then was -60.

pbunch, the new Weedeater will take some getting used to. It has a bigger shield. I do like the automatic line feed. :)
We're havin' a heat wave too. May reach 80 today.

OK, get up off he floor. 80 is hot when you're used to the 60's.
You know TRL, When you get real good with that weed eater,You can trim your toenails with it.:p
Is it possible to commit suicide with a weed eater? I am a VERY part time writer, and I thought of having a character try this. Gruesome, huh? :chainsaw:
here in oklahoma it hasnt even reached 100 this year which is very unusual but im very thankful but good morning to yall :)
Ward Fan, don't think it would work. I doubt you could hang yourself with the line --- it doesn't have enough strength. You might be able to cut skin with a determined effort.

About the only thing you could use a weedeater for would be beating someone over the head with it. LOL
I'm thinking it's the old can't hold your breath syndrome. The pain from any self-inflicted weed eater injury would lead to a blackout, thus releasing the tension on the trigger mechanism. Anyone feel like helping with some research? lol
You could take the weedeater to your wife's favorite flower garden. Sure way to commit suicide around my house.
I can just picture you in that yard with your shorts,and high top work boots on wrestling with a weed wacker. :p
TRL,I think I have your old weedwacker sold to a guy who wants to use it to drill nightcrawler holes in Arkansas. :p :worm:
OH, no wonder I love you guys, sick just like me...hehehe:cookoo:

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