Good Morning


Staff member
Sep 7, 2002
'morning forum folk. :D

It's Friday and I'm off. Yeahhhhh :bounce:

It's currently 60 in the land of the cheese. Cloudy skys should be clearing and the temp rising. It's going to be a great favorite track. I'll be in and out all morning, trying to get my chores done in time for qualifying.

Hope everyone has a good day. :cheers: :cheers:
Morning, all. It's another cloudy, dreary day here in North Texas. A little humid, but otherwise it should warm up a little bit more. Hope everyone has a great day! :cheers:
G'day all y'all! Hard to believe that the land of the cheese was warmer than Dixie at that early hour....but it's true.

Somebody PLEASE send some rain to GA.....they're about to implement a water ban after a very wet winter. No rain to speak of in March!
its 11:30 on friday so in 24 hours I will be heading towered bristial. I am very excided.
yea me and my dad (for those who don't know, Gollum) are going. Ive been to Dega two times but Ive always wanted to go to bristial.
dad brought some little ornge ear plugs from work (goodyear) those should be fine.
Oh please take me with you!!! ^_^ I would anything to go to Bristol!!! It has to be a great feeling to see all those people and hear those cars!! I'm trying to talk the hubby into it, but I'm telling him only about 40,000 show up, think I can convince him!!!??? ;) :lol:
Originally posted by majestyx@Mar 26 2004, 09:22 AM
Morning, all. It's another cloudy, dreary day here in North Texas. A little humid, but otherwise it should warm up a little bit more. Hope everyone has a great day! :cheers:
Cloudy and Dreary?

I don't want to see any of that next week!

Spent all of Tuesday and Wednesday cleaning the inside of my trailer and loading up the goodies. Picked up the show car yesterday and spent most of today cleaning the truck. I'm just about ready for Texas.

I'll be leaving Monday morning, Maj.

How about TRL........... are you coming to the race too?
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