Last weekend, we added electrical circuits in the garage, Yesterday, we added an attic access door (sometimes having a 10 foot forklift helps ;) and today we're planting our second tree.




(BTW, the lift is for sale. MSRP new is 1300, we're asking 800 OBO. It's a Genie materials lift model GL-8)
Going to visit the MIL and run a few errands for her. Hate that I'll miss football, but you gotta do this sort of stuff now and then. Looks to be a beautiful fall day.
Last weekend, we added electrical circuits in the garage, Yesterday, we added an attic access door (sometimes having a 10 foot forklift helps ;) and today we're planting our second tree.
Did you guys move? I thought you lived in the middle of nowhere?

We have a B Day party for Jodie's niece today....
Gonna be another gray, cold windy and likely wet day. But I'll make it a point to walk across the road and get some she-crab soup. :biggrin:
The weather here is awesome. I'm waiting for some friends to call and we'll all go for a nice long motorcycle ride. It's been a very nice weekend.
Nice day out but i have to stick around. I have a guy out in Denver doing some engineering work for me. I loaded him up last week and he said he may slip in to the office today and try to get some of it done.
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