Good Thursday morning, everyone

Same to you, TRL. We expect anywhere from 1/4" to
1 1/2" of rain in our area. We really needed it terribly bad. All of the rain that has been in the N. Texas area had completely missed us until today.

Have a good day, everyone! :)
Good Afternoon TRL. You better not play in the rain to long,or you might catch a chill. :D
Wouldn't you know --- it rained to the north and to the south, but nary a drop around my house.

Oh, well. At least it was cloudy and cooler than yesterday.
Weather is much better than the other night when it was rainy , in the 40s and very windy. SPent that night at the softball diamond. We actually have sun today!!! It is in the 70s now and not much wind!!! Going to be at the diamond again tonight!! My mom loves it now that I can take my sister to her games, now I am the taxi and not her!
Originally posted by TexasRaceLady@Jun 5 2003, 02:43 PM
Wouldn't you know --- it rained to the north and to the south, but nary a drop around my house.

Oh, well. At least it was cloudy and cooler than yesterday.
TRL, that is exactly what happened to us the last couple of times we had rain in the area. And I think we got more than the 1 1/2" that they were predicting. :)
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