
hi all......sunny and hot good morning to all......going to be in the 100's today here in the valley.........

only 6 more days and counting till the race at california,......... :lol: getting all my gear together to take with me in my little 10x10 bag.... :lol: now watch me forget the tickets....... :blink: :wacko:


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Mid 40's tommarrow :( Hope you have nice weather for Cali. 100 degrees seems a little hot.
Originally posted by racerx11@Apr 26 2004, 10:05 AM
Mid 40's tommarrow :( Hope you have nice weather for Cali. 100 degrees seems a little hot. is a little unusual this time of year to have it this is 91 right now and only 1130am.........

hope it is not this hot at the track sunday........I burned like a lobster one year, it was horrible....... :(
Originally posted by kat2220@Apr 26 2004, 11:10 AM
QT, don't forget that high octane sunscreen!
oh ya...........don't want to forget that stuff........thanks Kat..... :D
Originally posted by TexasRaceLady@Apr 26 2004, 11:42 AM
Cutie, do what I do with the tickets --- I put them in an envelope and tape it to the door I use to get to the car -- about eye-level works. LOL
good idea TRL thank you........I put them in the plastic holder (jeff gordon of course) and will hang them on the door now..good idea.......
we're taking the metrolink to the much easier then driving down is a special train that runs just to the speedway every that makes it soooooo nice..and well worth the 27 bucks..... :) and takes about an hour to get there....

but thanks for the tip........... :)
Afternoon all....been busy filling our some forms ...bouncing back and forth on the computer.....

cutiepie, I wish I were going to Fontana....maybe I'll see you in Sept. for the night race, really looking forward to that one!

I know you'll have a blast....and don't forget to blow Jeff a kiss from his #2 fan! :lol:
Well...I finally got a chance to get on the computer after this weekend. I need a nap. :lol:
just made it home, i think it took a lot less time to get home then to get down there......dont know how i pulled that onje off. :unsure:

Had a lot of fun, and did not want to come home, haha :lol:
Originally posted by dupont4me@Apr 26 2004, 12:27 PM
Afternoon all....been busy filling our some forms ...bouncing back and forth on the computer.....

cutiepie, I wish I were going to Fontana....maybe I'll see you in Sept. for the night race, really looking forward to that one!

I know you'll have a blast....and don't forget to blow Jeff a kiss from his #2 fan! :lol:
gotcha dupont4, we will see what we can do in september.....that would be fun....... :D
and of course I will throw Jeff a few dozen or more kisses........... :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
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