Google ads removed


Internet god with an inferiority complex
Staff member
Jan 15, 2002
Louisville, KY
Google AdSense has terminated my account with the standard canned explanation of "we think your account has the potential to generate invalid activity."

Therefore, I have removed these ads from the site.

At this time, I can't think of any other way to bring in revenue for the site, so nothing will go in its place. Doesn't really matter, the amount Google paid out was insignificant compared to hosting cost anyway.

If you'd like to read a quick rant (some strong language) and see exactly what they sent me, it's at the top of my blog.

lol, you're the first i've heard of that has had their ability to run ads revoked/refused. i didn't think that was possible. <g>
It's pretty commonplace. It's basically their idea of a cop-out. They don't want to give me a real reason why, because they don't actually have one. I'm just some random guy they decided to "audit" and banish because somebody looked at them funny. Meanwhile, there are thousands of sites out there gaming the system and stealing thousands of dollars from the advertisers, all untouched by the rampaging AdSense monster.

Cruel world. The honest folk get screwed while the cheaters rake in the dough. C'est la vie.
It's pretty commonplace. It's basically their idea of a cop-out. They don't want to give me a real reason why, because they don't actually have one. I'm just some random guy they decided to "audit" and banish because somebody looked at them funny. Meanwhile, there are thousands of sites out there gaming the system and stealing thousands of dollars from the advertisers, all untouched by the rampaging AdSense monster.

Cruel world. The honest folk get screwed while the cheaters rake in the dough. C'est la vie.

Gotta love corporate America... screw you any chance they get then say you deserved it because you bent over.
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