If you're going to hate on Jeff don't hate him because he beat Dale. But, rather hate him because he was the new face of NASCAR. He was the vanguard of the new breed of drivers that was able to capture America's attention and was largely responsible for NASCAR crashing onto the national scene. The American public had never taken to the good ol' boys. Not even Dale. But, with Jeff they had someone to put in front of the cameras. Someone who was well spoken, groomed for TV. And, his winning and winning often put him in front of those cameras. The long time NASCAR fans were shocked by his appearance thus started the gay jokes and everything else. The youngsters readily picked up on this as their hip hop drivers, Lil'E and that crowd, came onto the scene and still couldn't knock Jeff off the top. NASCAR became more popular, opened up more markets, made them and the drivers tons of money. And, this new beginning can be laid at the feet of Jeff.