Graduated from Middle School


Ward Burton

Earlier today I graduated from my Middle School and I am on my way to High School!! :unsure:
Great job Ward22, it just amazes me, I would have never guessed you to be that young. Enjoy your High School years, you'll never forget them. :booya: :partytime:
Wow, I am going to have to back up DeeDee on that, you really didn't strike me as being that young.....congratulations, and make the most of the next 4 years, after high school it's down hill (gawd, now I sound old) :p
:eek: Congratulations, ward22. My son will be a freshman in high school come August also. You are a very articulate individual. And, you really need to enjoy your high school days, because it will end all too soon. My youngest step-daughter will be graduating high school tomorrow, and the oldest one graduated last year.

WAY TO GO WARD22!!! Enjoy it while it lasts. It's a jungle out there!!!!!!!!!! :wacko:
Originally posted by ward22@May 29 2003, 12:17 PM
Earlier today I graduated from my Middle School and I am on my way to High School!! :unsure:
Good job. You'll like highschool. Sad to say, but they really are the best years of your life.

I had you mistaken for TWF for a sec. Had to think about it.
Originally posted by Bucky Badger+Jun 8 2003, 07:11 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Bucky Badger @ Jun 8 2003, 07:11 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--97forever@Jun 7 2003, 10:27 PM
Middle school?????I would have thought you were older ward!Congrats on your graduation!Good job.
me too :) [/b][/quote]
I'm with them.I would have never guessed you were that young!

I have shoes older than you!! :lol: :(

Congrats on your graduation and best of luck in high school. I know you'll make your parents very proud. (I'm sure they are already)
all my advice to you is to use your head in ever situation and ask God about decision you need t0o make in your life, man that would have saved me some of to college i go... :p
Holy Cow- I never would have thought you were in middle school. But congtats. High school is a lot of fun. :cheers:
I take It that I sound like I am quite a bit older :) , see, If I would have told you guys I was this young at the beginning, you might not have taken me seriously, but now you guys have seen me in here for quite a while...and oh yeah, I am going to try to get into NASCAR somehow guys (My career choice!)!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by ward22@Jun 9 2003, 05:23 PM
I take It that I sound like I am quite a bit older :) , see, If I would have told you guys I was this young at the beginning, you might not have taken me seriously, but now you guys have seen me in here for quite a while...and oh yeah, I am going to try to get into NASCAR somehow guys (My career choice!)!!!!!!!!!
Great choice in career! When you get famous don't forget your buddies here. ;) You do talk much older than you are. You really know your stuff about racing. I'm impressed! How old are you? I'm guessing about 14?
Originally posted by ward22@Jun 9 2003, 11:23 PM
I take It that I sound like I am quite a bit older :) , see, If I would have told you guys I was this young at the beginning, you might not have taken me seriously, but now you guys have seen me in here for quite a while...and oh yeah, I am going to try to get into NASCAR somehow guys (My career choice!)!!!!!!!!!
Go for it Ward22. BDR nees a good driver. ( just kidding)
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: EXCUSE ME GOLLUM!!!!!!!!! Oh I'm sorry to hear Kenny is leaving! :lol:
sorry about the double post.

Not a problem, Gollum. Took care of it for you. ;)
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