Granby, Colorado

  • Thread starter celica02princess
  • Start date


Ok since i live in colorado i know what happend i dunno if it became a outta state new topic.
A guy had his own business like 5 yrs age and the city of granby took his land i believe and wat not and put a cement pkant by his business and he didnt have a business no more. they were giving him fines after fines and finally he had enough. basically he didnt have a life nemore
so bout a yr ago he started building a bulldozer with guns attached and he closed the driving part with steele so no one could get in and then he but other stuff on it and he went into the town of granby with this thing and destroted the city building and the bank and TONS of building cops couldnt do nething cuz the bulldozer was like unstoppable the swat team couldnt do nething either. they were shooting at him and they out other big thing infront of the bulldozer and he would just run it over. he finnaly killed him self. there is more when u click the link.

my dad said he was listening to that on saturday morning as he was coming home. Destroyed a big part of the city from what i hear
that sucks for the city.. was any1 hurt? man what a way to die..
well, in a way, i guess he proved his point...the bonus was that no one was killed, many could have easily been killed, but were not. Dude knew he was going to get shot when he came out of the thing, so he saved someone the trauma of having to know they shot and killed someone. The guy proves his point, no one gets killed and no one has to worry about a long drawn out court case...sounds like a plan to me...eventually, people will get tired of governments (local, state, federal) screwing with them so much.
What did it prove? That he was a coward by taking his own life, that is about it . Destroying property that belonged to the city and state only will cost the taxpayers more money. Seems to me there must have been an alternative through the proper channels of government and law. It also appears ( at least on the surface anyway ) that this guy had help building this bulldozer. IMO needles destruction of property only makes it worse for the rest of us. Our taxes go up, the police are put at risk to stop this guy, the buildings have to be repaired, and this little town gets a attention in the news for a couple of days because of this troubled man. Proves only 1 thing to me.....this guy needed help and didn't get it.
Originally posted by esorlxaw@Jun 8 2004, 02:17 AM
well, in a way, i guess he proved his point...the bonus was that no one was killed, many could have easily been killed, but were not. Dude knew he was going to get shot when he came out of the thing, so he saved someone the trauma of having to know they shot and killed someone. The guy proves his point, no one gets killed and no one has to worry about a long drawn out court case...sounds like a plan to me...eventually, people will get tired of governments (local, state, federal) screwing with them so much.
I have to agree with the sentiment here to some degree

Our government can get pretty intrusive at times. And I will admit to getting a certain amount of satisfaction from seeing someone fight back for a change.

He did prove a point that the local government was not treating him (and likely others) fairly and in the end that may bring about some changes.

However, Mopar has a point also. In the end, it will end up costing taxpayers even more than the confiscatory amount he was likely upset about.

It was nice to see he at least saved the taxpayers some money by eliminating the expense of convicting him and imprisoning him for the rest of his life or so. <_<
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