Here kitty, kitty, kitty
I think that I've come up with a great idea that someone with an entrepreneurial spirit could make a lot of money. What do you all think of this idea? First let me explain. I was doing some cleaning of my computer desk and found four gift cards that I've yet to use. One was for $10, one was for $20 and two cards for $25, one for Lowes and the other for Home Depot. That's a total of $80 that I could use, but the problem is, it has to be in four different places. So I was thinking, something dangerous on my part, what if someone with a little initiative started something like Stub Hub and began working with people to exchange their gift cards so that they could, like my case, put all that money on one card? There would have to be a clearing house, and a good amount of capital from the start, but I think that eventually, one could make that money back and much more. Maybe this idea has been tried before but I've never seen it. Good idea?