Great racing game/betting website!



I been part of this site for a while now! But the NASCAr betting area is very slow ( BC it was created for the IRL) But I got permission from the webmaster at the toldjaso website to be able to post this for NASCAR fans to use now as well. Its a great website and idea. Completly free you just bet points!! Please join me there and make some bets!! I will make a bet there soon!!

From the front page of the site:

ToldJaSo" is slang for "Told you so!". The idea for came from participation and observations of the IRL forum at

The participants in the forum would have opinions and ideas about things that would or would not happen in the future related to the Indy Racing League. Often, it was difficult to find the necessary historical statements to back up who you needed to say "Told you so" to or who to go after when you could finally prove that they had been spouting off nonsense in the past. is designed to be a fun way to record a bet and come back to it when you can prove the other person wrong. However, you must be prepared to accept defeat when YOU are wrong.


So come and join me and lets make some freindly little bets!!
So if you guys ever think of a bet and want to take it there that is great!!
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