Do It Yourself
I spend way too much time at this site. We are in the middle of renovating the upstairs of our house, and let me tell you, between filling holes in the wall to repairing flooring, this site has it all (and the kitchen sink too).
When the site loads up you will notice that there are topics across the top of the page. These topics include: Autos & Boats, Crafts, Gardening, Hobbies, Home Building, Home Improvement, etc. This makes it really easy to quickly get to the information you need. On the sidebar menu you'll find "What's Hot on DIY" which gives a list of up-to-the minute links. You'll also find information on what is on their DIY channel on TV. At the very bottom of the page are links to the their newsletter, message boards, sweepstakes and much more.
Let's check out the "Home Improvement" section. It loads up with a sidebar menu and a set of top project links. Take a look around. You'll notice a ton of topics come up—choose the subject you are bent on improving and you will find lots of handy advice, and even info on where you can find more information on the subject you are browsing if the specific need you are looking for isn't addressed.
All in all a very handy site.
I spend way too much time at this site. We are in the middle of renovating the upstairs of our house, and let me tell you, between filling holes in the wall to repairing flooring, this site has it all (and the kitchen sink too).
When the site loads up you will notice that there are topics across the top of the page. These topics include: Autos & Boats, Crafts, Gardening, Hobbies, Home Building, Home Improvement, etc. This makes it really easy to quickly get to the information you need. On the sidebar menu you'll find "What's Hot on DIY" which gives a list of up-to-the minute links. You'll also find information on what is on their DIY channel on TV. At the very bottom of the page are links to the their newsletter, message boards, sweepstakes and much more.
Let's check out the "Home Improvement" section. It loads up with a sidebar menu and a set of top project links. Take a look around. You'll notice a ton of topics come up—choose the subject you are bent on improving and you will find lots of handy advice, and even info on where you can find more information on the subject you are browsing if the specific need you are looking for isn't addressed.
All in all a very handy site.