Grenaded the trans out of my truck


Admin & Resident Techie
Staff member
Oct 18, 2005
Ft Worth Tx
Ever since we got the truck, 2nd gear has been hydraulically broken. Today, as I went to leave a gas station, I lost all drive in any direction, and my phone died. Called dad from the station and had him come and call a roll back.

So now my truck is at a trans shop. They already got it on the lift, said it was 1.5 quarts past full (we never added any), the pan was full of metal, and I lost the front pump, torque convertor, and/or both.
Chrysler Corp at one time had a absolute bullet proof auto trans in the 727 Torque Flight. Who knows why they changed the design but whoever approved the change ought to be flogged.

Oh, hellofva B-day present it gave ya.
Chrysler Corp at one time had a absolute bullet proof auto trans in the 727 Torque Flight. Who knows why they changed the design but whoever approved the change ought to be flogged.

Oh, hellofva B-day present it gave ya.


The 42/44/46 RE are actually 3 speeds. They have an Aux Box that actually engages overdrive, supposedly to make them "stronger". I have the full service manual, 2308 pages, and over 150 are for the 42RE alone. Hydraulic diagrams and all.

What would have been so difficult about strapping an OD box on a 727.... Chevy's 4L80{E} is an overdrive TH400.....

The 42/44/46 RE are actually 3 speeds. They have an Aux Box that actually engages overdrive, supposedly to make them "stronger". I have the full service manual, 2308 pages, and over 150 are for the 42RE alone. Hydraulic diagrams and all.

What would have been so difficult about strapping an OD box on a 727.... Chevy's 4L80{E} is an overdrive TH400.....

I did some cross referencing- The 42/44RE is an electronic A500 (overdrive 904TF), and the 46RE is an electronic A518 (overdrive 727TF).
The shop called dad while I was at school, I'm going up there later. It's a long list:

the trans has been previously serviced- the front drive clutches were installed backwards
All the clutches and clutch drums are wasted
The governor support broke
front pump didn't exist, only what used to (they think) be it's components in pulverized form
Torque convertor stator broke loose

Normally, they charge $1500 for a rebuild. Because of the hard parts that were destroyed, it's $2450.
$2500 for a Dodge trans rebuild is cheap, even more so when you mentioned the parts needing to be replaced.
$2500 for a Dodge trans rebuild is cheap, even more so when you mentioned the parts needing to be replaced.

Just got back. They know what they're doing. They only do 1 trans at a time, and everything is done in the automotive equivelent of a clean room- everythign is tore down and washed with solvent in the bay, then brought into a little room that is stainless everything, and put down in order. He showed me that on the FRONT CLUTCH they had a clutch disc first in order on the open side of the drum, instead of a metal clutch plate like there's supposed to be. The Convertor had 2 flat spots on it where it had obviously been struck with force by a hammer, and the 2 stamped numbers were illeggible. The drum had a piece of material missing on the FRONT CLUTCH end, before the teeth start, where a clutch disc or metal plate had come off the teeth and been oscilating around that ring and eventualy broke it off. the Teflon and Plastic Seal Rings on the input shaft had wallowed out of their gaps, making them over twice as wide as what they should be (he showed me the new vs the old). The governor pressure solenoid and sensor (I believe, can't ID based on photos in the FSM) were filled with metal shavings. The planetaries themselves were in fair condition, he decided he's going to re-use them.

Re-use list:

tail and intermediate shafts
valve body

damage list:
Front clutches and plates
2nd gear band
front pump
input shaft

Not damaged, but replacing anyways:
overdrive clutches and plates

Plus they're going to power flush the cooler and it's lines.
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