Had a hard time



Finding this forum on my cell phone. My computer is still down. Really hate this. Sucks trying to do everything from phone. Darn lightening. Missed y'all.
Four, do you have a surge protector or battery backup (UPS) on your computer?

Since I got UPSes for all our computers, it's saved i have no idea how much time and energy. they are worth the money. the ones I got were $150 from Staples. Anything made by APC is good quality. I got one of the big stand-up ones, and even with all my displays/power hungry tower/ect, I still get 15 minutes of life @ 285 watts.. I got one of the little lie-down ones for my server, and it has a 10 minute life at 160 watts. Mom has the same stand-up one as I do, and i think her's is 25 minutes at 175 watts.
Had a surge protecter but b/c lightening hit so close to house it didn't help. Blew fuses in house, scorched all sockets, took out ac. Hubby had his 05 Monte Carlo parked on metal drain- fried car! Took two weeks to fix all computers in car to get it up and running. Think car took blunt of everything. Lucky house didn't catch on fire.
Had a surge protecter but b/c lightening hit so close to house it didn't help. Blew fuses in house, scorched all sockets, took out ac. Hubby had his 05 Monte Carlo parked on metal drain- fried car! Took two weeks to fix all computers in car to get it up and running. Think car took blunt of everything. Lucky house didn't catch on fire.

Man, that's some serious **** right there and good luck to you getting your stuff back to rights.
Dadgum lightning. It can do some crazy things. Many years ago, as I was using my computer, lightning hit nearby and did the craziest things. It took out the computer I was using, but didn't hurt the printer. I took out one of my VCR machines, but didn't hurt the TV it was connected to. It took out another TV but didn't hurt the VCR that was connected to it. It took out the central A/C and the disposal unit and a few other things. This was a time I was able to upgrade my computer from a 386/SX to a better 386/SX with double the size of hard drive (80 megabytes) and speed, (16 hz). It all cost me $50. I'd hate to see what all of that would cost these days.
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