

Dirt Track Fanatic
Nov 14, 2007
Poquoson, VA
Congratulations to Lewis Hamilton! Nothing better than some last lap drama to add to the championship. And talk about letting the air out of Massa's group. Went from jumps of joy to agony of defeat when they learned that Hamilton fishished 5th.

Wonder when Ferrari will file a protest or demand some sort of inquiry on how Glocked slowed so much on the last lap. Knowing them, it wouldn't surprise me.
It was a good race! I very glad to see Hamilton win today. Congrats! :beerbang:
It was a good race! I very glad to see Hamilton win today. Congrats! :beerbang:

Rain always makes for an exciting race. Sitting next to my wife watching the end of the race, and I showed more emotion over the last 2 laps of that race than I have over a televised race in a long time. When Vettel got by, and then when they both passed Glock putting Hamilton in 5th. Exciting, exciting racing!
Massa did take the Championship defeat like a trooper, though. He showed a lot of class in his speech.
I am sooooooooo thrilled for Lewis!!! So far, Bernie hasn't come up with a way to take it away from Lewis. He's probably just as happy, though; Ferrari won the constructors championship. Wonder if things may have been different if McLaren had won over Ferrari?????????
Timo gave it to him....Totally joking, that was one of the most intense races i have ever watced..i was cheering for massa, but it was cool to see hamilton win it
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