Happy Thanksgiving


Team Owner
Jun 12, 2002
North East, TN
I wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you all get a chance to spend it with family and friends. I also hope we remember to pray for our troops that don't have that opportunity to do so at this time.

I wish you all a blessed and safe Thanksgiving. God Bless our troops and God bless all of you.
Happy Thanksgiving all - I'll be in Westminster:( tomorrow though a much needed vacation.
Yes, Happy Turkey Day everyone!

I volunteered to work tonight 3rd shift, which is my Friday and thats a holiday for us. I get to make the big bucks tonight.
Ah, the day of thanks has arrived. I hope all have a Happy Thanksgiving Day. Here at the buckaroo household will be a full house with both kids and their spouses along with the Buck's mother-in-law. BTW my MIL and I get along quite well and I'm about the only one in the family, two BIL's included, that is always in the will! :) One problem for this day is that even though there will be a houseful of people, I'm the only one who is a football fan so that means that I have to sneak away from the table as quickly as possible and retreat back to my office to watch even the worst of games. :beerbang:

Have a great day!
I would also like to wish everyone to have a nice Thanksgiving and that you are able to spend it with family and friends. My 2 sons and family will be eating dinner with us. This is one of my favorite holidays.

I Fold My Hands,
I Bow My Head,
To Thank Thee, God,
For This Good Bread.​
It will just be the 2 of us today. The other family members have obligations.

But, not a problem. Instead of wrestling with turkey, it will be ribeyes on the grill. :D

Have a wonderful day, my friends.
I'm on the road in Ohio. Have two days of a store opening here and then on to Savannah for Monday.

Then I am finally home for the rest of the year and into January.

I can only remember missing Thanksgiving with family once before and that was when I was away in basic training with the Military.

Kind of strange being away like this but you gotta work when the opportunity is there.

Hope everyone has a good day.

I will see if Shoney's has turkey today, lol
Got this in an e-mail earlier :D

May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have never a lump.

May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!

Hope you're all having a great Turkey Day!
Why do we eat too much at Thanksgiving? At my age I should know better. :)
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