I just pulled a 13hr.day.totally exhausted.just wanted to wish everyone a very happy valentines day!
Happy Valentines Day!
I like Valentines Day because it's also my mom's birthday. One year ago, last February my mom had a stroke and a heart attack and wasn't expected to survive. Tonight we had dinner together :)
Happy fake holiday created by Hallmark to suck the money out of idiots pockets. :)

A fool and his money are soon parted, corporations live by this motto.
Wow, comments from the glass is completely empty crowd...

*shrugs* Just the reality of the situation to be honest. I mean c'mon, entire industries are built upon this whole "love" business. If you don't do something for Valentines, then you don't love your significant other. If her diamond ring doesn't have the biggest rock on it, then you obviously don't love her. You must spend X months worth of your salary (whether it's 3 month worth or 6 month worth etc.) on an engagement ring. The "love" Industry brainwashes people into believing that if you don't plot down hundreds of thousands of dollars to express your love for a particular person, then you obviously don't love him or her.

It's a scam and a racket.
*shrugs* Just the reality of the situation to be honest. I mean c'mon, entire industries are built upon this whole "love" business. If you don't do something for Valentines, then you don't love your significant other. If her diamond ring doesn't have the biggest rock on it, then you obviously don't love her. You must spend X months worth of your salary (whether it's 3 month worth or 6 month worth etc.) on an engagement ring. The "love" Industry brainwashes people into believing that if you don't plot down hundreds of thousands of dollars to express your love for a particular person, then you obviously don't love him or her.

It's a scam and a racket.

Perhaps if you guys actually had a girlfriend to buy a card, flowers or chocolates for then it wouldn't be such a negative, meaningless holiday. Life is what you make it. It's just as easy to be positive and find the good as it is to be grumpy and point out the negative.
had a great day as for sales for the week i did over 15thousand.

andy weren't you taught to give your used toys to the needy and less fortunate?? as far as being single maybe you know something that we don't.maybe you're just perfect the way you are. no i don 't write for hallmark.:p
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