Happy Valentine's Day

:wub: Can't you fill thw wub (for those who don't know "love") in the air .....

:wub: Happy Valentine's Day to ya'll too!
(it is a dreary rainy day here in N. Texas :( )

2 days to go! woohoo! :)
Staying single this V-day so I can afford the hockey game tonight. hehe.
Happy VD to all! Oops, wait a sec, that didn't sound right at all....

:wub: to my Stargazer.
not likeing valentines day very much . I just want to stay in my room and away from the flowers and cards and the many values of red and violet......ugh.... :(

Hope this might brighten your day!


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majestyx thanks for trying to cheer me up......but i don't know if anything will help :(

Originally posted by AngelPoet8@Feb 14 2003, 01:16 PM
not likeing valentines day very much . I just want to stay in my room and away from the flowers and cards and the many values of red and violet......ugh.... :(

i know how you fell Krystle. :( :(
no woman over this way either
dont matter im in no rush right?
Here's a little card for everyone:


  • lucy_vday150.jpg
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Happy vd to everyone.I'm spending mine alone too.And yes eating something of choc.does help to an extent.
Originally posted by FOURISIS@Feb 15 2003, 12:42 AM
Happy vd to everyone.I'm spending mine alone too.And yes eating something of choc.does help to an extent.
Being alone beats the heck out of spending it with the wrong person though.
Here's a short story...

Was in a store today, they had some nice floral arrangements, etc.

A woman is with who I assume is her son. She picks up a nicely arranged container. It has chocolate dipped strawberries. They walk away and she says "I'm going to get those yellow roses also." The child says "Why? Who are you going to give those to?" She said, "I just like them."

Make what you want out of it. ;)
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