Happy's View: Should Celebs shut up ?



Arright, we keep hearing comments from celebrities from Hollywood or as I call it "Crazytown" about the war. Now we know celebrities like Dustin Hoffman, Jessica Lang, Jeanine Garofalo, Martin Sheen, Cher (I dont know how she got there) and Julia Roberts have the right to free speech but that right to free speech they have unfortunately can offend the rest of us. Even some celebrities like the Dixie idiots have admitted that they were ashamed to be Americans. That's leaves the rest of us acknowledging their right to free speech but then again we also have the right to question their patriotism. Heres where, racing-forums beloved member Happy29 or quite simply "me" has to step in, there's a war going on, men and women are dying to protect us from terror, and through it all we've had these radical actors and actresses or quite simply "idiots" simply blah-blahing their way with their explanations of "oil and rapid conquest of the middle east or a different religion".

Firstly, these people aren't just idiotic, they're anti-american. The only thing they probably havent done is fight for the enemy themselves. They've used their social status as an excuse to advance their political careers and political beliefs and indoctrinate more to their cause, which is downright wrong. They've also used their social status to advance their hypocrisy, they've always advocated political tolerance, but by bashing the GOP like Martin Sheen and Jeanine Garofalo did they've done the opposite and promoted more hatred between the sides Democrat and Republican who could now be leading America into another Golden Age instead of tearing away at each other on the floor of Capitol Hill. These Radicals in Hollywood are biased against the right and President Bush, when President Clinton bombed Iraq in 1999, I didnt see or hear one of those Hollywood Morons peep one word.

Secondly, what can we do to ignore these Hollywood Morons ? Nothing, their messages always appear everywhere especially in the much acclaimed TV show The West Wing, a story about a Liberal Democrat White House Administration; of course if it were about a Conservative Republican Administration, it wouldnt have made the air because that's how Hollywood is. However we should try to unite our beliefs whether we are Liberal Democrat, Moderate Independent or Conservative Republican, especially after September 11th and the war we've been in. And my advice to the Hollywood Morons, keep the music flowing, because we've never heard such comedy in a while.

My two cents... Happy29
Celebrities have the right to their opinions, and if they want to use their status in society to push for a cause they believe in that is 100% ok. Bush's unnilateral war in Iraq has killed thousands of Iraqi civilians and has yet to yield and weapons of mass destruction. He used false intelegence claims and then used the mask of liberating the Iraqi people to trick everybody into going to war.
There are atrocities being commited in Liberia right as we speak, but because they have no huge oil reserves the US won't touch that country with a stick.
Yes, we respect their right to their opinion but still, the celebrities still offend a majority of the country which leans towards the President and thereby it creates a scenario in which the public criticizes the patriotism of these actors and actresses. Yes they are entitled to their opinion, but what I'm mainly emphasizing on is their hypocrisy.

Most of them like Jeanine Garofalo at one point advocated political tolerance and now we hear her in a conference in New York spouting rhetoric like a left-wing Hitler and calling the GOP "dumb and mean". Let me reiterate that I support free speech 100% percent, let me also reiterate that men and women are dying overseas to liberate people far and wide; through it all these radicals in Hollywood havent done a thing, sure we'd love to hear them bring up solutions. But many of the solutions they've proposed turned into insults about Conservative Republicans or were too radical to even be thought about. These Hollywood Actors and Actresses arent really spreading their message of peace, they're promoting more hate between the political parties which isnt needed especially in this time of war and uncertainty.
I respect their opinions, but my problem is that they have and easy outlet to make their opinions known. Whenever a war breaksout, or some other national occurence we allways get their opinions on Entertainment Tonight or Access Hollywood. What we don't get to hear is Joe Somebody who owns the gas station in small town, USA. The only way we the common people get heard is by polls, and polls are only statistics of a small portion of the population, and are asked only yes/no questions...
Where were these celebs after 9-11? Did they not cry or just sit in total shock watching the news all day wondering how there could be so much evil in the world? I had also heard that Alan Alda and Mike Ferrell were speaking up against the President and striking back and they were the stars of M.A.S.H.!!!! That just don't make a whole lot of sense, they must not have paid attention to their rolls. :wacko:
That's the same question I'm asking. The celebs didnt act up either when Clinton bombed Iraq in 99, and when Clinton sent troops to Bosnia and Somalia. I guess these celebs have big hearts and big pockets for the radical wing for the Democratic Party, ya know what I mean ?
OK, from a Liberal Democrat, age 60, I tend to keep my Political opinions to myself and wish others would as well. Celebrity status does NOT give one the right to bash our glorious country.
Whether I agree or disagree with a polital decision or not, I try to MMOB.
Religion and Politics are best left alone on a forum IMHO. Ignore the naysayers AND the yeysayers, decide for yourself on issues and VOTE!
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