hard liquor



I read on Jayski that NBC and FOX execs have okayed the Diageo sponsorship for Roush. The interesting thing is this, they mentioned ABC allowing Jim Beam to advertise during the indy 500, which broke a longtime "ban" on hard liquor on networks. I don't understand why it is okay to advertise beer and cigarettes, but not hard liquor? It just doesn't quite make sense that a company that allowed a cigarette manufacturer to sponsor the series for so long wouldn't allow booze to advertise, give me whisky over tobacco any day, grandma would say the same.
Originally posted by esorlxaw@Sep 20 2004, 11:32 AM
I read on Jayski that NBC and FOX execs have okayed the Diageo sponsorship for Roush. The interesting thing is this, they mentioned ABC allowing Jim Beam to advertise during the indy 500, which broke a longtime "ban" on hard liquor on networks. I don't understand why it is okay to advertise beer and cigarettes, but not hard liquor? It just doesn't quite make sense that a company that allowed a cigarette manufacturer to sponsor the series for so long wouldn't allow booze to advertise, give me whisky over tobacco any day, grandma would say the same.
If you think NASCAR is messed up, just wait until you delve into the world of television.

Take it from someone that has worked for 20 years in television, there has indeed been an informal ban on liquor advertising on network tv. It is completely voluntary on the part of the networks.

On our cable network, we banned liquor advertising until this year. Now we will run it after 9 PM only.
I never saw thee differance. Can't you get just as drunk on Coors lite as you can Jim Beam.
Originally posted by Gollum@Sep 20 2004, 08:13 PM
I never saw thee differance. Can't you get just as drunk on Coors lite as you can Jim Beam.
Don't ask me to defend the difference. It is a difference drawn by society as a whole as reflected in it's laws. Most states treat beer and liquor differently when it comes to purchasing it.

Hey, don't ask me why the difference, but I can buy Budwesier at the 7-11, but I have to go to a liquor store to get Crown Royal.
Hey if we can allow commercials promoting "4 Hour Erections (Cialis)" then hard liquor ads should not be a problem!!! :p
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